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TacticalRooster22 last won the day on April 9 2024

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About TacticalRooster22

  • Birthday 07/14/1997

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    Indiana, USA
  • Interests
    911FR, life, music, and firefighting stuff.

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  1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Looking forward to seeing what's in store for 2025.
  2. Looks and sounds very nice! Loving the progress as always. It's very nice to pop in and still see activity for this mod.
  3. Great looking station, I love it. It will be nice have the Miami Dade and Miami Beach units on the map.
  4. Those police cars are very nice, but that tower is absolutely gorgeous! Great work! Looking forward to having that one onscene.
  5. Beautiful trucks! I always love seeing a new tower ladder, we don't get a lot of those.
  6. Personally I like the volunteer system as-is. I don't think you need to add more -- I know in a few of the towns close to me, they're lucky if they get 3 guys on a call sometimes and are really hurting for members, and these towns are way bigger than Monida Pass in the mod! The gamble with how many volunteers you'll get makes the mutual aid departments actually useful. A lot of times with other mods, I use the same trucks on the map and never call mutual aid because I don't need to but this makes you utilize different resources.
  7. Advice: Read the user and medical treatment guides before playing!! They're included in the mod folder, and there's a lot of calls that require special tasks in order to complete them, especially fires and medicals. I found this out the hard way by playing the same electrical fire call for a half hour... Thank me later
  8. This is one of the only reasons I still check in on this forum from time to time. Still looking forward to this mod, but I understand how life gets in the way. I understand how it feels to not want to do things for free that take up the little free time that you have!
  9. Looking forward to that EMS script. It will bring the fun of RTS Beiberfelde without the need to actually be a paramedic
  10. Do you mind if I get in on this? Don't even know if it will work on Windows 10 but worth a shot haha.
  11. So I decided to drop back here after discovering 911 FR on Steam and reliving the nostalgia... And I find this?! I'm very very excited and can't wait for this to come out! This will definitely rekindle my old love for this game, it's very nice to still see an active modding community after all these years. Great job guys, the units look amazing! I love the detail on the skins and that USAR model is just awesome!
  12. Yeah, I remember Wegberg has something like this, but it's still kinda buggy. Like you said, the vehicles would often get stuck in weird spots and then block traffic and then my emergency vehicles wouldn't be able to get out of the station. Still, it would be a cool feature.
  13. Great job on all the new units! I'm relatively close to Chicago so it's cool to see something a little closer to home.
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