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Everything posted by Mr_Kaizer

  1. I know! He must have streamlined the scripts or something, because I find it much faster than the last version. In the last version, the mod itself loaded quite quickly, but loading the "mission" took ages. Now both are fast
  2. I don't think you have to deal with the flooding. At least you didn't have to in the previous version. All you have to do is cut up the fallen trees (I think there is two), then use brooms to clean up the leafs on the ground under the trees you just cut. On a different note, I thought you'd be able to call units from other stations in this version (in one of the pics I can see a TLF or GTLF that isn't part of the normal station. I think it was in one of the earlier versions of the mod, before the mapchange feature), but I don't seem to be able to. Am I missing something Marco, or hasn't that been enabled yet? I also found a few bugs. It's very easy to get firefighters stuck when you've placed the verteiler (3-way jack), and you send another FF to hook it up to the truck. The one who placed it, and the one hooking it up tend to get stuck together until you remove the jack. Secondly, putting down fire extinguishers create all sorts of havoc. Once it just spawned another extinguisher, another time it did nothing, but the FF holding it couldn't drop it anymore, or put it back in the truck, or enter the truck. He could only cool the truck Other then that, GREAT version. I love that you have the chief in the station during the day, and that opening the doors and pulling the plug on the cars now only require one click. The GUI also looks great now, a huge improvement over the last. EDIT: Oh, I almost forgot! Am I the only one who's getting much, much faster loading times in this version?
  3. Flying Spaghetti Monster be praised! I've been on almost every day since the pics of the new version was posted, checking if it was out. Now it is! Can't wait for the download to finish.
  4. Are there any traffic accidents at all? I've gotten called to a person trapped in a car (if my german skills haven't totally let me down), but while staffing the trucks I'm ordered to respond without lights and sirens, and when I arrive on scene there's just an ambulance, a doctor's response car and a police car. So it's a false alarm I guess. Or, the got the person out after the fire department was called. Other than that, I've just had oil clean-up jobs. Btw, have any of you gotten the one where there's a car stuck in a garden? I couldn't figure out what to do with that one :/
  5. It has worked for me at least :/
  6. For those wondering how to use the ladder: I've never had to bring a firefighter with a hose up in the bucket for it to work. It doesn't even have to be connected to a hydrant or other firetruck. All you need to do is deploy it, then have a firefighter mount the ladder. You hold down one of the Ctrl buttons, while having the firefighter selected, to bring up the right icon/action. I'm sure this will change, but at the moment you have an infinite water supply in the DLK.
  7. Mr_Kaizer

    Wegberg Mod

    Huh, no idea. Says 2.9 on mine, on the menu where you load the mods.
  8. Mr_Kaizer

    Wegberg Mod

    Oh, the version on there is 2.8 and 2.9, not 2.0.8 or 2.0.9. 2.0.9 would come before 2.1.
  9. Mr_Kaizer

    Wegberg Mod

    Yes, it does. Which forum was this by the way? And I don't think it's a good idea for Marco to shut down the site because of people criticising him. He has more fans than people who dislikes him. Brandeinzats means something like "fire call" and THL means something like "technical call". Basically the only difference is that of you choose Brandeinsatz, two of the fire fighters of the LF and TLF will be equiped with SCBA ( breathing gear) when they arrive at the call. If you choose THL, they won't be. And no, you can't update. Delete your current version and install the new one.
  10. Mr_Kaizer

    Wegberg Mod

    The Wegberg website is down, we don't know why, and we don't know when it will be back. We'll just have to wait. http://pages.herdecke-modifikation.de/wegberg-beta/index.php <---There you can at least get the 2.8 version, with 2.9 patch. But the 3.5 we'll have to wait for.
  11. Well it looks like, judging from what I can see in 2.9, I should be able to translate most of the text in the dispatch ("Alarm-Fax") messages! Thumbs up to marco for making that possible! I might also look into putting together a manual, but first things first. So if anyone has the latest (3.51 I think?) version, I'd be very happy if they could upload it somewhere for me, or send it. Then I can get cracking with the translation
  12. Bah, I want the new version! I'm stuck playing 2.9 -_- Once I get my hands on the latest one, I'll get started on a English translation. Should be able to translate all the tool tips and such, bit unsure about the GUI stuff. At least the last time I translated this game, those were images that had to be edited if they were to be translated.
  13. Can anyone send me the latest version of the Wegberg mod? The mod site is down.

    2. Mr_Kaizer


      Thanks, and you are sure that's version 3.0?

    3. Mr_Kaizer


      It was just V.2.8, and the 2.9 patch.

  14. Damn, still broken :/ I want to play the new version!
  15. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

  16. That is up to the court, which I have complete faith in.
  17. Like has been stated earlier, IF he gets sentenced to involuntary commitment in stead of prison, the sentence can be extended by up to 5 years at a time. So in theory he can spend life in prison.
  18. I marched in Stavanger, along with 75.000 others. As the Crown Prince said in his speech, "tonight the streets are filled with love".
  19. Religion didn't start it. I'd venture as far as saying religion never starts anything, people's interpretation of religion start things. On the other things, you're absolutely right. That's basically what he said in the court hearing today. He believes that the Labor Party has betrayed the country by letting Muslims in, and embracing multiculture. And he had to send a strong message, and scare people from joining the Labor Party. From what I've heard, he accomplished exactly the opposite.
  20. We don't have the death penalty here in Norway. And we are not going to get it because of this guy. That was what he wanted, to change our society. Formally, the longest sentence you can get here is 21 years. In reality though, he can be sentenced to involuntary commitment (Forvaring) in stead of prison. If that is the case, once the 21 years are over and he is still dreamed too dangerous to let back into society, he can have the sentence extended by up to 5 years at a time. EDIT: Dammit, beat me to it chris!
  21. There is now an ongoing armed police raid at a house in Oslo. Police has confirmed that its to do with the 22/07 attacks. No other details yet. I just watched the memorial service live from Oslo. The Prime Minister's speech was...powerful. And I cried when they sang "Til ungdommen."
  22. Well, at the risk of sounding pedantic, there is a difference. He has admitted to doing it, but he hasn't admitted guilt. IE he doesn't acknowledge that what he did was wrong. He has admitted to the bombing and shooting, but hasn't pled guilty to the charge of terrorism.
  23. That's actually not true. He has admitted to doing it, but he hasn't admitted guilt. Go figure.
  24. This is what fear driven hate leads to. Fear of other cultures, other people. Did you guys (the Norwegians here) see facebook right after the attack? Before it was known that the guy was Norwegian? Mine started filling with anti-Islamic propaganda and pages. It is THAT fear, THAT hate; taken to an extreme of course, that made this guy do what he did. I do love what our Prime Minister said though: "We will retaliate with more democracy." That one statement made me proud to be Norwegian, for the first time in a long time. We will strike back by being more democratic. I take strength in those words, and in the words of Nordahl Grieg, in his poem "Til ungdommen". "Til ungdommen", with English translation.
  25. Does anyone know what I need to change in the script to start with the best vehicles? Saving the game after you've gotten them is a very hit or miss affair, 9 times out of 10 I can't get the bloody thing to load -_-
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