Did you look here? http://shop.ebay.com/i.html?_trkparms=65%253A12%257C66%253A2%257C39%253A1%257C72%253A4583&rt=nc&_nkw=call+of+duty+modern+warfare+2&_dmpt=Video_Games_Games&_sticky=1&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_sop=15&_sc=1 Or here? http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B00269QLI8/ref=sr_1_1_olp?ie=UTF8&qid=1291382349&sr=8-1&condition=new
My name is bunker_bust on Xbox Live, add me if you want. Also tell me which is better Call of Duty 2 Modern Warfare or Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare and say why. DON'T FORGET THE POLL!
Dyson and team, Thank you so much for all of the work and time you guys put into this submod. It's a great one too, and now your right you need a well deserved break. But once again... Thank you guys SO much!
I figured out that it was not the wheels it was the body was to far forward but the doors, lights, and wheels were all in the right place. Know how to fix that? I tryed the editor but couldn't figure out how to move the body.
Anybody know why on my ambulances the wheels are not in the right spot? They are behind were they are suppose to be. I thought that would be fixed but it's not it's like that in V1.0 and 2.1