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Fire 54

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About Fire 54

  • Birthday 06/03/1994

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  • Location
    Northern Ireland
  • Interests
    Playing emergency 4, photography, ICT, playing strategy games.

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  1. Happy birthday dude :)

  2. n topic I will guide you on how to change the number of vehicle spaces in the L.A mod freeplay. (Note: This method is used with Windows Vista, other systems may vary!) Step 1: First open need to open up your specs folder in you hard drive to do this follow the instructions: Computer/ Vista (C:)/ Program Files/ sixteen tones entertainment/ Emergency 4/ MODS/ Los Angeles Mod v2.0. There you should see your specs folder then open it. Step 2: You should now see in the spec folder XML document called "fp_praams_endless". once you find this document click and drag to your desktop where you can edit the file. (Note you must have the file at your desktop in order to be able to save changes to the file). KEEP THE SPEC FILE OPEN!! Step 3: Once you have placed the file at your desktop to open the file right click on the document where you should see Open With, and hover your mouse over Open With and then you can chose to open the file with either NotePad or WordPad. This should open the file. Step 4: Once inside the document you should see at the top of the document <MaxParkingSpace value="35" /> to change the number of parking spaces change the number value to what ever you want for example <MaxParkingSpace value="110" /> Once the changes has been made save the changes. Step 5: Once the document has saved close the window and then place the folder back into your specs folder and that is it. This technique can be used to edit challenge or endless game. Hope you find this helpful if their is any problems feel free to send me a message: valiant54@live.com Fire 54
  3. Hi every one, thanks for taking the time to view my page and i am going to make some tutorials in the coming weeks so stay tuned :)

  4. Check out my form on how to add vehicle spaces. It is called "Adding Vehicle Spaces" it has a step by step guide on how to add more vehicles.
  5. In topic I will guide you on how to change the number of vehicle spaces in freeplay. (Note: This method is used with Windows Vista, other systems may vary!) Step 1: First open need to open up your specs folder in you hard drive to do this follow the instructions: Computer/ Vista (C:)/ Program Files/ sixteen tones entertainment/ Emergency 4/ Data. There you should see your specs folder then open it. Step 2: You should now see in the spec folder an XML document called "fp_praams_endless". once you find this document click and drag to your desktop where you can edit the file. (Note you must have the file at your desktop in order to be able to save changes to the file). KEEP THE SPEC FILE OPEN!! Step 3: Once you have placed the file at your desktop to open the file right click on the document where you should see Open With, hover your mouse over Open With and then you can chose to open the file with either NotePad or WordPad. This should open the file. Step 4: Once inside the document you should see at the top of the document <MaxParkingSpace value="35" /> to change the number of parking spaces change the number value to what ever you want for example <MaxParkingSpace value="110" /> Once the changes has been made save the changes. Step 5: Once the document has saved close the window and then place the folder back into your specs folder and that is it. This technique can be used to edit challenge or endless game. Hope you find this helpful if their is any problems feel free to send me a message Fire 54
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