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  1. You can download the mod from this link too: http://ftsoftware.eu/en/downloads
  2. i tried to download it but the link that is given leads me to the front page of emergency planet.com.
  3. hello, i have also a problem with emergency 4 . when i start emergency it immidiatly close. i try compitability mode and i tried to update the drivers of my video card. but with the update i have a problem i have downloaded the file from nvidia but the program can't find my card or sometimes it says not compitable with this version of windows but i'm sure i have the good file. i think the problem is the intel video card on the chip but i have tried to set the nvidia to standard and to run the updater with my nvidia. my system specs asus k73sv nvidia Geforce GT 540m windows 7 home premium 64 bits intel core i5-2410m, 2.3GHz 4 GB ram sorry for the bad Englisch logfile.txt DxDiag.txt
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