Squad 55 is always accepting new applications!
Stop by our website at www.squad55.com and click on "Join Us" and follow the instructions given. ++LONGEST LASTING EMERGENCY 4 CLAN++
~We play Harbor City for S55 Members only~
NEW Website: http://www.ccgaming.net/
Teamspeak IP:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/squad55em4/
Squad 55 Offers:
-80+ Active Members! (All around the world!)
-Daily Operation/Casual Gaming
-Friendly & Fun Environment
-Realistic Ops Game Play
-Chance to climb the ladder to become an Officer/FTO/Admin!
-Daily Trainings to improve game skill (No Experience is Necessary!)
-Games with a Live Dispatcher with fully operational CADs
-Custom Membership Mod of Harbor City! (Squad 55 Mod) + Early Access Updates
-Your Opinion matters to us!! Members vote on major changes to the mod/squad ops/rules at Monthly Squad Meetings
-Play other games with members such as Company of Heros 2, Rocket League, ARMA, minecraft , Battlefield, GTAV, Etc....
-AND MUCH MUCH MORE!!! Squad 55 Requirements:
1. Must be at least 15 years of age (Maturity is a must!)
2. Teamspeak 3 w/ working Microphone
3. Be active at least once every two weeks
4. Be able to give/take orders and follow Squad Rules/SOPs.
5. Have Fun and Play!
So come speak to an S55 Officer/Recruiter Today!!
Squad 55 Lieutenant Http://www.Squad55.com