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  1. Hello so me and my friends are working on a new private mod and our base mod seems to have the buying units from the bottom left panels turned off completely, How do i go about enabling the ability to buy units?
  2. Disregard post all fixed LASiren.script LASiren.script
  3. Hello all so i recently upgraded to the deluxe version of EM4 and i need a little help with getting the deluxe calls set up in my private mods, i ran a search but was unable to find any topics that helped me to figure this out. I have managed to get the following calls working in free play as well as MP, [Working calls in game so far:] Risk of electrocution! (Deluxe) Sniper threatens people! (Deluxe) Saboteur! (Deluxe) Hailstorm! (Deluxe) Bird flu! (Deluxe) Trafficjam! (Deluxe) The callouts below are the ones i have no clue how to set up in our private mods, Any help would be greatly appreciated as i really would like to get these going as well. Running Amok with car! (Deluxe) Halloween: Zombie Alert (Deluxe) Murder victim found! (Deluxe) Person missing! (Deluxe) Radioactive poison cloud leaked! (Deluxe) Hydrant damaged! (Deluxe) Note i have all calls added to the parameter specs i just need to know if there is other things i need to do such as adding stuff in the editor or another spec i need to edit ect ect.
  4. So this is an error i get when i try to run the game in my screens normal resolution 1920 x 1080 The game loads offset with half the game off my screen to the top right as seen below, Does anyone know how to fix it so that it fits properly when using 1920 x 1080? my friends have their set to 1920 x 1080 and there games work fine but mine does this. UPDATE: Disregard i found the fix, If anyone else has this isssue try the following -Right click em4.exe -click compatibility tab -click "change high DPI settings" -select High DPI scaling override performed by application click ok and head in game. http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/monthly_2020_03/Untitled.thumb.jpg.e265f87adc3c36d251e6eb4833bc0f39.jpg http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/monthly_2020_03/Untitled.thumb.jpg.e265f87adc3c36d251e6eb4833bc0f39.jpg
  5. Thanks, i feel dumb now just realized i named chp's wrong in editor.
  6. Ok so this is the one i'm using now and the cars work great but the CHP heli refuses to work i keep getting an error when trying to send it to station, Any ideas? LASD's heli worked fine just chp for some reason LAToChpStation.script
  7. Thanks itchboy, yea i realized that last night when i tested the sheriff and it worked, its all working perfect now.
  8. Hello so me and my buddy have a private mod that we play law enforcement only on & we would like to have another functional station on the map, I have edited a copy of latopolicestation for the departments we have built stations for in game and I'm getting an error in line 211 if i click retry a few times it does go to station but the error is an annoying issue and they wont unload prisoners for some reason, If someone could tell me how to or would help fix it for me that would be greatly appreciated . LAToLasdStation.script LAToChpStation.script
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