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About davelar

  • Birthday 09/02/1996

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  • Location
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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  1. wow! the Aguia ( the name of the helicopter ) is perfect and the others models are good too!! looking forward this mod!!! congratulations guys!
  2. congratulations guys!! the mod is fantastic! i loved it!
  3. Hi guys! this mod is quite good! looking forward this mod and great models!
  4. that car is brilliant! keep on hard work!
  5. great models and textures!! looking forward this mod and welcome back!
  6. davelar

    Madrid Mod

    execelent map guys! keep going!
  7. Hi people! I'm having the same problem and i would be greatfull if somebody could help me. i bought this pc here last week. the game doesn't starts! If somebody knows the problem, tell me plz! thks for help! DxDiag.txt logfile.txt
  8. Hi people! I'm having the same problem and i would be greatfull if somebody could help me. i bought this pc here last week. the game doesn't starts! If somebody knows the problem, tell me plz! thks for help! DxDiag.txt logfile.txt
  9. a moderador could close this topic ? thanks for everybody that helped me!
  10. xplorer 4x4 could you give me any other advice 'cause my em4 didn't back to normal
  11. Sorry!! it's because i used to play this game but i upgraded my phisical memory and i tryed to reinstal it, however it's crashing and i don't know why but thanks to help! Anyone has any advice?
  12. Hi! i'm having problems to play. when i start EM4 it crashes in 2/3 sec. Anybody could help me? thanks! logfile.txt DxDiag.txt
  13. Hi! i'm having problems to play. when i start EM4 it crashes in 2/3 sec. Anybody could help me? thanks!
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