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Everything posted by firefighter243

  1. Looks great! I like the yellow ALS fire truck! Will there be a yellow tower truck too?
  2. I have been making new light to my la mod but when I go to load it in the editor it crashes and goes back to the desktop! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Nice But I don't do voice acting . I would like to help in any way I can!
  4. When you call a ALS it also will find and dispatch a larger ambulance! Atleast it works on mine. i don't know how to make it patrol.
  5. The LED lightbar has directional lights! So I say use the LED!
  6. Is this compatable with AUS and lightbar submod V1.8?
  7. never mind I downloaded winzip and installed it!
  8. Try deleting the submod and redownloading it ,or uninstalling and then reinstalling the game . This also works!
  9. I know it's there! I just don't know how to make the lights blink and change there color on the car. Can you tell me?
  10. 1 question how can I make a light bar with 2 red lights? Like on the LASDPC.
  11. Ok. Can you give them to me? If not where can I find them?
  12. I downloaded it and i can not extract it. Any idea what is wrong?
  13. ok I have downloaded aus i have 1.2v is that the right one?
  14. Thanks! One question, where do I find the aus? I am sure i don't know this!
  15. EMS Fire Old Pictures ( From: V1.0 - V1.4 ) Police EMS 2 version will be release if i got the permission from Hoppah's. Version 1 Without Additional Units Submod v1.2 ( Request LA MOD Patch 2 ) Version 2 with Additional Units Submod v1.2( Request LA MOD Patch 2 ) V1.8 - Compatible with LA mod v2.02 and Additional Units Submod V1.2. Old version release list Bug: V1.7 bug Tow truck 2 become blue cube when loaded is now fix on 1.7.1 Coming Soon After i back from NS Download Compatible with LA mod v2.02 and Additional Units Submod V1.2 ONLY With Additional Units Submod Has Tow Truck 2 With Additional Units Submod v1.8 Including Read Me DxDiag.txt Without Additional Units Submod v1.8 Including Read Me Old LAPD Ford CV LED lightbar Submod Below I got a bad news i going to PLKN(National Service) on 19-JUN-2010.I have to stop this mod until september or october 2010. Program Latihan Khidmat Negara Malaysia(Malayu) / Malaysian National Service Training Program(English) How do I install it?!
  16. Does this submod work with Additional Units submod????
  17. has not set their status

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