@ Shadowzuziz: Giving critic to people just makes them try harder, so they get better and better all the time, instead of listening everyone licking their A** up like "oh its great" "awesome". So critic is only good thing. there are lots of ppl here who cant take critic. But of course, there are different kind of critic too, like there are good critic and bad ones. It is wrong to say just "crap" i think when you give anykind of critic, it should not be like; models are crap skins are crap, if you give critic, i expect it to be well explained and stuff. Like VaughnBernardJivesRichardson did (well it was'nt explained ;D but still good critic) = it was good critic. thats what i think ;D And officer max, seriously, i would NOT like to see model with all sort of holes and bad skin either, so they just gave you good critic to fix them - they didnt do anything wrong. oh cheez....