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Everything posted by EM4forlife

  1. also, if you dont mind me asking, how far are you into the mod progression wise? like how much % is done...
  2. hey your on sweet! i jsut wanted to say thanks for the log i asked for! so your basically trying to make the Montana mod a lot like how amity island is going to be with the usable ladder, ETC.
  3. could we possibly get a change list, like what the differences would be from 2.0.1, to 3.0? not like photos and stuff, just a list of, new units changes to units new/ changes to existing mechanics etc also, this mod looks amazing. this is the whole reason i got the game was for this mod, and was super sad whenever i found out it was pulled from the downloads, so i couldnt get it. i cant wait for the new version!
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