If you want to save some lines in the script you could use the following lines of code instead of the many if-cases after line 112 of your current version ( // Hier die const char Namen von oben eintragen wie in den beiden Beispielen unten.)
Simply replace the if-cases with these lines and name your audio files like the corresponding prototype of the vehicle.
char SoundName[255];
snprintf(SoundName, 255, "mod:Audio/FX/Sirens/%s.wav", v.GetPrototypeName());
soundID = Audio::PlaySample3D(SoundName, CarPos, true);
With this, you won't need to add a new if-case for every prototype. Simply add a new audio file to your folder and name it the same as the displayed name of the vehicle in the editor. (The one in the top bar, not the prototypename itself). If you have any questions, ask here or send me a PM!