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About Gamage

  • Birthday December 4

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  1. I was missing some files because the install would show a quick error at the end. I installed it on my virtual pc running xp and just copied over the missing files.
  2. Basically after a few minutes of playing my game gets completely locked up to the point where I have to reset my PC. All drivers were recently installed on a new PC build. The only thing I'm seeing that could be the problem is that the log file states I have a Pentium CPU rather than my Phenom II x6 any ideas? Also I have tried running it on only one core that only seems to keep it from locking up a little bit longer. I recently upgraded my PC. Used to work just fine on my i7 on both vista and win 7. Edit: Never mind a quick re-install solved the problem. Sorry about that. Edit2: Never mind just took a really long time to lock up again. DxDiag.txt
  3. Welcome to the forums!

  4. Welcome to the forums.

  5. Welcome to the forums.

  6. Welcome to the forums.

  7. Welcome to the forums.

  8. Aww, I was trying to act smart with the shaders but you ruined it hoppah Jks
  9. Welcome to the forum!

  10. yeah, patch one fixes it, I had the same problem.
  11. looking for a topic to post in.

  12. If anyone wants to play add me gamertag:Total Gamage (I know it sounds stupid ) I recently deleted like 70 something people. Hate when you add someone and then they just stop playing live without warning. Can't wait for Bad Company 2 and Mafia 2
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