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Everything posted by billyfromhill

  1. As some of you might know, I needed the skins for the old paramedic from 1.4 for a project I'm working on. Hoppah kindly uploaded them today for me to use. I'm using the model of the paramedic and stretcher team from 1.6 (I assume those are the models that were used for the paramedics since 1.0) and I'm attempting to put the old (1.4) paramedic skins onto the models. I've made prototype files, and put the model files and skin files in the proper folder. The problem is that the skin doesen't show up on the model. You can see the model in the editor, but all you see is a blank model. I'm at a loss as to what to do.
  2. Great job. Is dispatch referred to as OCD now and are the radio messages closer to how they would sound in LA?
  3. When I look at the "website" of each LAFD station, it lists the station number and what community it serves. Is each "community" a different city than LA? For example is Sherman Oaks it's own city or is it a neighborhood within the city of LA? Also, what is the typical staffing of the foam tenders and HAZMAT squads?
  4. He said it was for private use. You don't need permission for private (non-released) changes. He did say this was for the LA mod. That's what I have a concern about.
  5. The stretcher that is currently ingame is not the one above. The one ingame is a gray/black color. If I remember correctly, the yellow one posted above was in the LA Mod up until 1.5. As for the stabilize command, great idea!!! I think the "stablise/heal" animation and the "pick up person" animation are two seprate animations. What you could do is tack the "pick up person" animation onto the script after they stand up and grab the stretcher.
  6. Why would a FDNY ambulance be in the LA Mod? It's called the LA Mod for a reason. Can't wait to see the pics.
  7. Well, engine 7 is skinned accurately, along with engine 88 (now 288 ingame). Other units are modeled and skinned after their real life counterparts. USAR 85 seems to be in station 1 along with engine 7 and 88 (288). To be really accurate you would have to model TF1 along with RA1 to go in station 1. I don't see what the problem is in changing a 2 to a 7 for accuracy's sake, esp. when other units are modeled after real life units. Obviously, the map doesent reflect LA at all, so I don't really think that the stations being inaccurate is a big deal. In my opinion, the units should be as accurate as possible. Not so much the map and stations. Would I like the map and stations to be accurate? Hell yeah, but I know that an accurate map and accurate stations will never ever happen. How hard would changing a 2 to a 7 be? You could get ShaneGreen to do it. Also, RA 802, which is ingame, should also be changed becuase there is no RA 802 in the LAFD.
  8. Out of curiosity, who made number one?
  9. A few more suggestions, just for accuracy. RA102 in real life does not have the chevrons on the back, as you can see in this photo. I suggest you just change the 102 to 107, as RA107 has the chevrons as seen in this photo. Also, the coroners van should have the traffic advisor above the rear doors like this rather then on the back of the lightbar as it is ingame. Again these are just suggestions to make the game more accurate.
  10. I have a question regarding RA102. I've seen conflicting photos of this rig. I've seen RA102 in two different paint schemes, red box and red over white box. Is RA102 currently the red over white box or all red box? The photos Red box Red over white
  11. How about a fix-up on the negotiator's texture? I mean, It says Poletzi on the front of his vest.
  12. I have one small suggestion to make. Instead of numbering the the vehicles sequentially (i.e. 101, 102, 103 etc.), how about numbering them after real units in LA? Mikesphotos has a good website where you can find info on just about every emergency unit in the LA area.
  13. Post your DxDiag file. Start > run > type in dxdiag & click run > save the dxdiag and upload it here.
  14. Are AMR ambulances in LA County ALS or BLS? Also, are they predominantly box or van style ambulances?
  15. I though that with the new standby commands, units are able to be called from off map if no vehicle was available. If that is correct, I see no problem calling SWAT (or any unit for that matter) from off map. Correct me if I am wrong. I sure can. For example the airport mission in the LA mod. I carry the injured people out of the shops/departure lounges and take them to the lobby. I heal them up and then leave them there while I put out the fires. I usually keep at least one PM in the general vicinity of the "triage area" to heal new PTs coming in. When I call the RAs for transport, usually the first person I healed has had their health drop down far enough to warrant a "reheal" by a PM.
  16. How about adding the ability to stabilize to the FF/PMs? I hate it when I heal somone fully with a PM and then when I go to transport them, they'll die if I don't use a chopper. It's annoying when I have to get a PM to heal them again.
  17. It's quite easy to use the SAR dog. When the handler gets out of his SUV he runs around to the back and gets the dog. Once he has the dog you can move the handler + dog just like you move a normal unit. Once you have the handler in the general vicinity of where you want to search, click on the command that sends the dog searching for injured people. The dog will then wander around until it finds a injured person (I think the dog is actually attracted to the injured person if the dog is close enough to them). Once the dog finds someone, it will stand there and bark, letting you know they are there. While the dog is searching you can move the handler around also. If you want to call off the dog, select the handler and click on the command to call the dog.
  18. That turns my stomach just reading it.
  19. If it does have a scroll wheel, make sure it's set to middle click. Usually it's set to somthing else when you buy a mouse. If you can't get the scroll wheel to work, you can always hold the control key and move the mouse to rotate the camera.
  20. Tell me about it. My family got our "newest" comp about a month before dual-core CPUs and PCI Express came out. Made me so pissed. So I'm stuck with a slowpoke Dell for now. My comp (don't laugh) 2.66 GHz Pentium 4 (clock speed is fast, front side bus isn't) 2 GB RAM (not bad for XP) Geforce 8500 GT PCI (best PCI card on the market lol, and that isn't saying anything)
  21. Keep in mind that the FF/EMTs stabilize already. What your suggesting would make EMTs obselete.
  22. Great video!! Wish my comp was that smooth when recording video. Wish my comp was that smooth when playing the game. You must have one heck of a computer.
  23. Well, it takes a while for the BLS ambulance to get back to FS 2.
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