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Everything posted by Dakota

  1. Hey there Emergency fans. Since all of us here our fans of the police/ fire/ EMS and other emergency services, I thought this would be a great place to invite new members to come on over and try out a new website by the name of EMERGENCY BRICKS! (http://emergencybricks.com) EMERGENCY BRICKS! is a niche community geared towards fans of LEGO® both young and old. There are some amazing creations of police cars, fire apparatus and ambulances already on the site, interact and network with builders, get tips and free template downloads, share your own creations. You can even share your non Emergency related creations as well. Give us visit and check it out for yourself! Our forum community is located here if you'd like to bypass the Wordpress blog on the front page. All of this is free, access to the forums only requiring registration. Thanks so much for your time! (Topic posted with permission of the moderator) Here's some examples of what people are doing:
  2. My name's Dakota. I live in Ohio in the USA. I'm a firefighter and paramedic in real life. I like video games and legos too so I'm still a kid in a lot of ways. But I'm cool with that.
  3. Real dispatchers, at least in our area don't get excited when dispatching us anyhow, its their job not to get excited. So I dont see an issue with it.
  4. 3 calls so far, on par with the 4 for yesterday.

  5. "Medic Up!" - Tactical Medic / SWAT Medic class was the best class I've ever taken.

  6. There is a gated wye preconnected on the front of this engine.
  7. Then how do they hook up to standpipes? I have never heard of a department not using them. We use them like their used in game sometimes to split 3 inch supply hose into 1 3/4 handlines, on the smaller connections of hydrants to flush air and on standpipes to gate off into two handlines. Just to name a few.
  8. 16 hours of Ashtabula city EMS today

  9. I'm not sure why you'd name the whole thing after the company rather than just Logistics or Tech or Support or something but tis your mod not mine.
  10. I love Jackalope

  11. When firetrucks and police cars close a road it's usually for a reason, and that reason is not so you can try and be sneaky and drive around it all on the shoulder to get through.. just saying.

    1. Ray the Wise

      Ray the Wise

      Firetrucks, schmiretrucks. If a big red truck with shiny lights is the only thing standing between me and a late-night Baconator, you're goddamn right I'm going to drive on the friggin' shoulder.

      (True story. Ironically, in the end, turns out they were blocking the road because there had been a triple murder at Wendy's so I still couldn't get my Baconator. Tough luck.)

  12. Must be structure fire day in the county?

  13. <3 5.11 Tactical

  14. Very glad to hear Trump isn't running for president. :)

    1. Grim_Wizard


      Really? We need someone with buisness expertise in office.

    2. Voodoo_Operator


      Which is exactly why you should be glad that Trump won't be running. :)

    3. Grim_Wizard


      Hahahaha i cee wat u did thar

  15. cinco de mayo and no mexican food :(

    1. Ray the Wise

      Ray the Wise

      Your bowels thank you.

  16. A lot of people are complaining the the other NY Mod isn't as far along or as up to par as this one. I would just like to point out that the difference between the mods is this one is using LA Mod functionality and game play. The other is based on something different and meant to be more restrictive in units and such to make you think more about what you do. This is by design (from what I understand) Comparing the two isn't entirely fair. For those who want a laid back game I'd suggest this submod once it's done in 6 months or however long it takes to redo all the lost data. For those who want a more strategically played game I'd suggest the other NY Mod.
  17. I played the other NY Mod release and has to say it is much more stable and all, I would recommend you switch gears and add your units and stuff to their mod when submods are able to be released for that mod.
  18. heh I agree that this forum is very strict as far as the moderators go. I come from a background of more clan/console based and graphic design type forums and have had my experience in managing my own over the years and I disagree with the policies these guys use from time to time. But what can ya do? Nothing unfortunately. Voicing your concerns are unlikely to do anything as this forum has a bit of a monopoly on the English speaking Emergency modding community so if you're banned here you can't really find another place to get your fill so to speak. So you just have to mind the rules and keep quiet for now.
  19. Is wondering how Jackie constantly finds ways to change my status to random things

  20. looks good, nice soundtracks
  21. My Kitty has been taken by an imperialist!

  22. Across the United States Public Safety Officers are utilized. These are police officers trained usually to the EMT-Basic level, as well as basic fire training as well. Turnout gear, and a Basic EMS Bag are kept in the patrol vehicle alongside the police equipment. More often than not these will be sheriff deputies driving a SUV of some sort and the purpose is to provide better patient care/ response for volunteer depts. There are however places that require all uniformed police officers to be EMTs and even firefighters as well using a combination Police/Fire roster. So all cops are firefighters and vice versa, the shifts are goofy though but it would be fun. In remote areas, the police dept even operates as the ALS paramedic provider with a police dept ambulance. Out north west I know this is not a new thing. In the suburban areas though, the only place you're likely to find a Fire/Medic/Cop combo is attached to a SWAT team (They work fulltime as a cop and part time on a fire dept to keep their paramedic con-ed up) or aboard a police helo that also does medevac.
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