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Squad 65

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Everything posted by Squad 65

  1. Ive seen people playing with Freeplay on Campaign. I was wondering what Scripts and crap do i need to make this work.
  2. Is there a way to put the UI of the water supply and put it in for example the Mayberry mod.
  3. Hey guys we are looking for mappers
  4. the mod has its own installer and when the game freezes that means the mod is loading
  5. What do you think cause it say LAFD
  6. It would be easier if i would do it.
  7. Hey guys Knock your selfs out with Alpha V2 <link removed while credits are being sorted out> i am the creator but on my Alt Account
  8. Open the file after you extracted it then you might find another file then move that to the mods folder.
  9. Nice i love your guys's mods they are da bomb
  10. i can help you out cause i know a few things about the CFD
  11. Hello guys i am working on a american mod Fire: LACO EMS: AMR PD: LAPD,CHP,LASD' Pics are to come. This is gonna be on the Original LA map. -Fire Station in Refinery and port area done -LAPP Station
  12. Ocean City,Boston,Riverside (thin blue line).
  13. Closed Any Moderator Please Lock this
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