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Squad 65

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Everything posted by Squad 65

  1. If I remember right, I think Itch said that for more of the Snorkel, a Telesquirt could work in MP since its practically another Ladder / Quint.
  2. Not really, a lot of us are still creating mods. Most mods that are private nowadays are because its either a testing bed or the person doesn't have permissions to release what they've done.
  3. Only one I have had is #5, other than that I've not found any crashing from the police units.
  4. I thought OCFA retired that lately?
  5. Looks good. I'm really excited to see your work on this.
  6. Coming back into slowly starting this project back up again. Plans to continue are in the works along with a few new projects starting up. Please note submods and releases of the mod are prohibited and are not to be recirculated.
  7. Thank you for reminding me to redo mine, YouTube took mine down lol.
  8. Read the Submod Guide, it helps a lot. And yeah you can transport them either Via ambulance or Prison Van, both work
  9. I've only had issues with the dispatcher but only using it continuously after a few hours.
  10. It doesn't do it in Freeplay either so I'm guessing for now its a decoration Piece.
  11. This update is amazing. My favorite part is the tin-can LAPD units. and the rest of the open cab apparatus.
  12. I hope everything is going well, and I do hope it gets better.
  13. 1. It is not dead, 2. Modders have lives and are not always able to work on the mod or able to post updates.
  14. Looks amazing. Way better than what I could do with this project.
  15. Was a loner for testing, It was from a neighboring department.
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