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Everything posted by Foleby94

  1. i dont hope that you want to cancel the mod beacurse it is realy good so far
  2. omg such wine feel honored instead and im sure he was about to ask for permision
  3. OMFG (sry for word choise) this is awesome some skills there!!!! i love it
  4. damn cool mod and it looks kinda finnished
  5. one mod do already have that system if you want to try it out search for aarhus mod 1.5.1:D
  6. sweet nice to see some progress once again:D
  7. Foleby94

    Rundefjord Mod

    so the fire truck was a scania:D lokked a lot like a mercedes
  8. Ok dont be mad i use same language as the modder this time... Okej när du öppnat skinnet så ser du ju till höger alla lager.. leta upp det lagret som innehåller dom bokstäverna och ändra om dom fattar du fortfarande inte så kan du adda mig på skype eller nått Foleby94 där. Och jag bor i blekinge. And again sry for language
  9. take off the layer of the skin in photo shop then add new:D i think it should work btw im swedish too
  10. you back!!!!! im guessing the blue helmets is volunteers but i dont know
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