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Everything posted by Foleby94

  1. very nice just fix up the light then and try to make that the wheels dont look like their under ground
  2. great model mate nicely done with details and stuff:D
  3. ok but just keep up the work and we hope to see the result soon:D
  4. yea since lohja is closed you might be able to use the models he got
  5. How is the work going? Havent heard anything of this mod for a while
  6. Cultzi that sounds good but w8 with hoses and stuff until second version plz we wana play xD
  7. great model!!! only light and such small fixes left:D
  8. OMG that many vehicles!!! damn awesome!! and i bet the map is awesome too:D
  9. i have 2 questions:) is the rescue truck useable at all at this point and how do i fix the hose bug when trying to connect to the firetruck?
  10. Haha once again awesome you have to be one of the best modelers around! keep it up
  11. ofc i have checked but i just wonder if its going to be in the alpha?
  12. ok mister moderator i was just pissed beacurse he blamed me for something i havent done
  13. hmm good skinns but im sorry to say kinda boring with reskins only beacurse it is already so many of them. But i can see you can skinn so why not join a mod team?
  14. Lol what the fuck did i do ??? I just said that he was busy and prbably havent got much time to work on mod atm!!!!!1
  15. No i just think creator is very busy atm
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