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Everything posted by Bernt

  1. Download now the Amsterdam-Amstelland Modification: https://mega.co.nz/#!UUZXXZgR!YRsAswpSxuYm8_DlazV6RGsKSsw7IGRCDkNvMjdB34Y
  2. Can you make maybe that you can set one special person that control the engine en also do the supply line? (Pompbediende)
  3. It works! I used a beercrate.. now a satteliet. Thanks!!
  4. Hello, Can somebody help me. I follow the readme. But the water icon not show up when i attach a hose. Rapid deployment command works, also attach to hydrant..
  5. Hello Scripters, I have a problem with this script, this script call the nearst car on the map. But i can only use this one time at the same point. If i want a second car on the emergency, then must i call this one on the another side of the map... //Version 1.2 // //Frei verwendbar, solang diese Kommentare erhalten bleiben // //und per PN oder E-Mail eine schriftliche Erlaubniss vorliegt // //Version 1.0 // //©Gerrit & Bernt van Dongen // const char IMG_ICON[] = "A1"; const char IMG_CURSOR[] = "send"; object Alarmambu : CommandScript { Alarmambu() { SetIcon(IMG_ICON); SetCursor(IMG_CURSOR); SetValidTargets(ACTOR_FLOOR | ACTOR_STREET); } bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller) { return true; } bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) { Person p(Caller); if (!Game::IsFreeplay()) return false; if (Caller->GetID() == Target->GetID()) return false; return true; } void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID) { VehicleList vl_rtw1("ambu"); VehicleList vl_rtw2("ambu2"); VehicleList vl_rtw3("ambu3"); Vehicle v_rtw1 = vl_rtw1.GetVehicle(0); Vehicle v_rtw2 = vl_rtw2.GetVehicle(0); Vehicle v_rtw3 = vl_rtw3.GetVehicle(0); Vector v_est = Game::GetCommandPos(); float f_est_x = v_est.x; //x, y und z der EST float f_est_y = v_est.y; float f_est_z = v_est.z; float f_rtw1d = v_rtw1.Distance(f_est_x, f_est_y, f_est_z); //distanzen jeden NEFs zur EST float f_rtw2d = v_rtw2.Distance(f_est_x, f_est_y, f_est_z); float f_rtw3d = v_rtw3.Distance(f_est_x, f_est_y, f_est_z); if(v_rtw1.HasCommand("ich_bin_nicht_frei")) //Wenn ich nicht frei bin bin ich gaaaanz weit weg f_rtw1d = 99999.9; if(v_rtw2.HasCommand("ich_bin_nicht_frei")) f_rtw2d = 99999.9; if(v_rtw3.HasCommand("ich_bin_nicht_frei")) f_rtw3d = 99999.7; if(f_rtw1d < f_rtw2d && f_rtw1d < f_rtw3d) Game::ExecuteCommand("PCmdFPAlarmambu",Caller,Target); if(f_rtw2d < f_rtw1d && f_rtw2d < f_rtw3d) Game::ExecuteCommand("PCmdFPAlarmambu2",Caller,Target); if(f_rtw3d < f_rtw1d && f_rtw3d < f_rtw2d) Game::ExecuteCommand("PCmdFPAlarmambu3",Caller,Target); } }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // A-Rescue Mod - Freeplay Alarm RTW1 - Script v1.7 // // ************************************************ // // // // 1.0| PCmdFPAlarmRTW1 // // // // _____________________ // // Skript frei fuer alle // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const char IMG_ICON[] = "heal"; const char IMG_CURSOR[] = "send"; const char COMMANDABLE_TRUE[] = "DUMMYSetCommandableTrue"; const char COMMANDABLE_FALSE[] = "DUMMYSetCommandableFalse"; const char FREEFORALERT_TRUE[] = "DUMMYFPSetFreeForAlertTrue"; const char FREEFORALERT_FALSE[] = "DUMMYFPSetFreeForAlertFalse"; const char FREEFORALERT[] = "DUMMYFPIsFreeForAlert"; const char INBASE_TRUE[] = "DUMMYFPSetInBaseTrue"; const char INBASE_FALSE[] = "DUMMYFPSetInBaseFalse"; const char INBASE[] = "DUMMYFPIsInBase"; // 1.0 object PCmdFPAlarmambu : CommandScript { PCmdFPAlarmambu() { SetIcon(IMG_ICON); SetCursor(IMG_CURSOR); SetValidTargets(ACTOR_FLOOR | ACTOR_STREET); } bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller) { GameObjectList ol; GameObject *o; ol = Game::GetGameObjects("ambu"); o = *ol.GetObject(0); Vehicle v(o); // nicht einsatzbereit if (!v.HasCommand(FREEFORALERT)) return false; return true; } bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) { Person p(Caller); if (!Game::IsFreeplay()) return false; if (p.HasName("LeitstellePerson")) return true; if (Caller->GetID() == Target->GetID()) return false; return false; } void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) { GameObjectList ol; GameObject *o; ActorList al; Actor spawnpoint; Vector spawnpos; Person p; float rot[9]; float childRot[9]; Vector tpos; PersonList pl; // fahrzeug finden ol = Game::GetGameObjects("ambu"); // fahrzeug anwaehlen o = *ol.GetObject(0); Vehicle v(o); // ersatzfahrzeug? if (v.IsDestroyed()) { // spaeter wird hier ersatzfahrzeug gefordert Mission::PlayHint("RTW1 wurde zerstoert und steht deshalb nicht mehr zur Verfuegung."); return; // abbrechen } // frei fuer einsatz? if (!v.HasCommand(FREEFORALERT)) { Game::ExecuteCommand("PCmdFPAlarmambu2",Caller,Target); return; } else { // alarm-meldung ausgeben Mission::PlayHint("A1 Inzet 21-101"); // fahrzeug auf "im einsatz" setzen v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, FREEFORALERT_FALSE, &v, 1, true); // wache-eingang finden al=Game::GetActors("ambue"); if(al.GetNumActors() > 0) { spawnpoint = *al.GetActor(0); spawnpos = spawnpoint.GetPosition(); } else { Mission::PlayHint("Kann Rettungswache1-Eingang nicht finden!"); return; } // besatzung erzeugen? bool ob_ra1 = false; bool ob_ra2 = false; pl = v.GetPassengers(); for(int i=0; i < pl.GetNumPersons(); i++) { //Mission::PlayHint(v.GetName()); if (pl.GetPerson(i)->HasCommand("PcmdStabilize")) { if(ob_ra1) { ob_ra2 = true; //Mission::PlayHint("Test... Habe Sani 2 an Board"); } else { ob_ra1 = true; //Mission::PlayHint("Test... Habe Sani 1 an Board"); } } if (pl.GetPerson(i)->IsParamedicTeam()) { ob_ra1 = true; ob_ra2 = true; //Mission::PlayHint("Test... Habe Sani-Team an Board"); } } bool vinbase = false; if (v.HasCommand(INBASE)) { vinbase = true; Mission::PlayHint("Ambulance 22-201 Status 1!"); } // Sanitaeter 1 // besatzung erzeugen (1/2) if (!ob_ra1 && vinbase) { p = Game::CreatePerson("mod:Prototypes/Persons/01Ambulance/sani.e4p","Verpleeg"); p.GetRotation(rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], rot[3], rot[4], rot[5], rot[6], rot[7], rot[8]); Math::EulerToMatrix(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, childRot); Math::MultiplyMatrices(childRot, rot); p.SetRotation(childRot[0], childRot[1], childRot[2], childRot[3], childRot[4], childRot[5], childRot[6], childRot[7], childRot[8]); // " an wache-eingang spawnen GameObject *px(p); Game::FindFreePosition(px, spawnpos, 100); p.SetPosition(spawnpos); // " set commandable false p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, COMMANDABLE_FALSE, &p, 1, true); // " set commandable true p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, COMMANDABLE_TRUE, &p, 1, true); // " in fahrzeug einsteigen p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "entercar", o, 0, false); } // Sanitaeter 2 // besatzung erzeugen (2/2) if (!ob_ra2 && vinbase) { p = Game::CreatePerson("mod:Prototypes/Persons/01Ambulance/sani.e4p","Verpleeg"); p.GetRotation(rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], rot[3], rot[4], rot[5], rot[6], rot[7], rot[8]); Math::EulerToMatrix(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, childRot); Math::MultiplyMatrices(childRot, rot); p.SetRotation(childRot[0], childRot[1], childRot[2], childRot[3], childRot[4], childRot[5], childRot[6], childRot[7], childRot[8]); // " an wache-eingang spawnen GameObject *px(p); Game::FindFreePosition(px, spawnpos, 100); p.SetPosition(spawnpos); // " set commandable false p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, COMMANDABLE_FALSE, &p, 1, true); // " set commandable true p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, COMMANDABLE_TRUE, &p, 1, true); // " in fahrzeug einsteigen p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "entercar", o, 0, false); } // // besatzung einsatzbereit? bool ready = false; if (ob_ra1 && ob_ra2) { ready= true; } // in basis if (vinbase) { v.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 4.0); //Zeit bevor Tor aufgeht v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "OpenGate", &v, 1, true); v.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 3.0); //Zeit bis Fahrzeug fŠhrt nachdem das Tor offen ist //Mission::PlayHint(v.GetName()); } // nicht in basis und nicht einsatzbereit? if (!ready && !vinbase)) { Mission::PlayHint(v.GetName()); Mission::PlayHint("Ohne zwei Sani. oder einem Sani.-Team, Einsatz nicht moeglich!"); v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "VCmdFPGoHome", &v, 1, true); return; } // fahrzeug set commandable true v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, COMMANDABLE_TRUE, &v, 1, true); // bl und sosi an if(!v.HasCommand("DUMMYHasSiren")) { v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "VCmdSiren", o, 0, false); } // verlaesst basis v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, INBASE_FALSE, &v, 1, true); if (!vinbase) { // warnleuchten aus v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "VCmdWarningLightsOff", &v, 1, true); // sl aus (beleuchtung) v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "VCmdSpecialLightsOff", &v, 1, true); } // losfahren zum einsatzort tpos = Game::GetCommandPos(); v.PushActionMove(ACTION_APPEND, tpos); } } }; // 1.0 object PCmdFPAlarmambu2 : CommandScript { PCmdFPAlarmambu2() { SetIcon(IMG_ICON); SetCursor(IMG_CURSOR); SetValidTargets(ACTOR_FLOOR | ACTOR_STREET); } bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller) { GameObjectList ol; GameObject *o; ol = Game::GetGameObjects("ambu2"); o = *ol.GetObject(0); Vehicle v(o); // nicht einsatzbereit if (!v.HasCommand(FREEFORALERT)) return false; return true; } bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) { Person p(Caller); if (!Game::IsFreeplay()) return false; if (p.HasName("LeitstellePerson")) return true; if (Caller->GetID() == Target->GetID()) return false; return false; } void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) { GameObjectList ol; GameObject *o; ActorList al; Actor spawnpoint; Vector spawnpos; Person p; float rot[9]; float childRot[9]; Vector tpos; PersonList pl; // fahrzeug finden ol = Game::GetGameObjects("ambu2"); // fahrzeug anwaehlen o = *ol.GetObject(0); Vehicle v(o); // ersatzfahrzeug? if (v.IsDestroyed()) { // spaeter wird hier ersatzfahrzeug gefordert Mission::PlayHint("RTW1 wurde zerstoert und steht deshalb nicht mehr zur Verfuegung."); return; // abbrechen } // frei fuer einsatz? if (!v.HasCommand(FREEFORALERT)) { Game::ExecuteCommand("PCmdFPAlarmambu3",Caller,Target); return; } else { // alarm-meldung ausgeben Mission::PlayHint("A1 inzet 21-106"); // fahrzeug auf "im einsatz" setzen v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, FREEFORALERT_FALSE, &v, 1, true); // wache-eingang finden al=Game::GetActors("ambue"); if(al.GetNumActors() > 0) { spawnpoint = *al.GetActor(0); spawnpos = spawnpoint.GetPosition(); } else { Mission::PlayHint("Kann Rettungswache1-Eingang nicht finden!"); return; } // besatzung erzeugen? bool ob_ra1 = false; bool ob_ra2 = false; pl = v.GetPassengers(); for(int i=0; i < pl.GetNumPersons(); i++) { //Mission::PlayHint(v.GetName()); if (pl.GetPerson(i)->HasCommand("PcmdStabilize")) { if(ob_ra1) { ob_ra2 = true; //Mission::PlayHint("Test... Habe Sani 2 an Board"); } else { ob_ra1 = true; //Mission::PlayHint("Test... Habe Sani 1 an Board"); } } if (pl.GetPerson(i)->IsParamedicTeam()) { ob_ra1 = true; ob_ra2 = true; //Mission::PlayHint("Test... Habe Sani-Team an Board"); } } bool vinbase = false; if (v.HasCommand(INBASE)) { vinbase = true; //Mission::PlayHint("Test... Fahrzeug ist auf seinem Stellplatz"); } // Sanitaeter 1 // besatzung erzeugen (1/2) if (!ob_ra1 && vinbase) { p = Game::CreatePerson("mod:Prototypes/Persons/01Ambulance/sani.e4p","Verpleeg"); p.GetRotation(rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], rot[3], rot[4], rot[5], rot[6], rot[7], rot[8]); Math::EulerToMatrix(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, childRot); Math::MultiplyMatrices(childRot, rot); p.SetRotation(childRot[0], childRot[1], childRot[2], childRot[3], childRot[4], childRot[5], childRot[6], childRot[7], childRot[8]); // " an wache-eingang spawnen GameObject *px(p); Game::FindFreePosition(px, spawnpos, 100); p.SetPosition(spawnpos); // " set commandable false p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, COMMANDABLE_FALSE, &p, 1, true); // " set commandable true p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, COMMANDABLE_TRUE, &p, 1, true); // " in fahrzeug einsteigen p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "entercar", o, 0, false); } // Sanitaeter 2 // besatzung erzeugen (2/2) if (!ob_ra2 && vinbase) { p = Game::CreatePerson("mod:Prototypes/Persons/01Ambulance/sani.e4p","Verpleeg"); p.GetRotation(rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], rot[3], rot[4], rot[5], rot[6], rot[7], rot[8]); Math::EulerToMatrix(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, childRot); Math::MultiplyMatrices(childRot, rot); p.SetRotation(childRot[0], childRot[1], childRot[2], childRot[3], childRot[4], childRot[5], childRot[6], childRot[7], childRot[8]); // " an wache-eingang spawnen GameObject *px(p); Game::FindFreePosition(px, spawnpos, 100); p.SetPosition(spawnpos); // " set commandable false p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, COMMANDABLE_FALSE, &p, 1, true); // " set commandable true p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, COMMANDABLE_TRUE, &p, 1, true); // " in fahrzeug einsteigen p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "entercar", o, 0, false); } // // besatzung einsatzbereit? bool ready = false; if (ob_ra1 && ob_ra2) { ready= true; } // in basis if (vinbase) { v.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 4.0); //Zeit bevor Tor aufgeht v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "OpenGate", &v, 1, true); v.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 3.0); //Zeit bis Fahrzeug fŠhrt nachdem das Tor offen ist //Mission::PlayHint(v.GetName()); } // nicht in basis und nicht einsatzbereit? if (!ready && !vinbase)) { Mission::PlayHint(v.GetName()); Mission::PlayHint("Ohne zwei Sani. oder einem Sani.-Team, Einsatz nicht moeglich!"); v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "VCmdFPGoHome", &v, 1, true); return; } // fahrzeug set commandable true v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, COMMANDABLE_TRUE, &v, 1, true); // bl und sosi an if(!v.HasCommand("DUMMYHasSiren")) { v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "VCmdSiren", o, 0, false); } // verlaesst basis v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, INBASE_FALSE, &v, 1, true); if (!vinbase) { // warnleuchten aus v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "VCmdWarningLightsOff", &v, 1, true); // sl aus (beleuchtung) v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "VCmdSpecialLightsOff", &v, 1, true); } // losfahren zum einsatzort tpos = Game::GetCommandPos(); v.PushActionMove(ACTION_APPEND, tpos); } } }; // 1.0 object PCmdFPAlarmambu3 : CommandScript { PCmdFPAlarmambu3() { SetIcon(IMG_ICON); SetCursor(IMG_CURSOR); SetValidTargets(ACTOR_FLOOR | ACTOR_STREET); } bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller) { GameObjectList ol; GameObject *o; ol = Game::GetGameObjects("ambu3"); o = *ol.GetObject(0); Vehicle v(o); // nicht einsatzbereit if (!v.HasCommand(FREEFORALERT)) return false; return true; } bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) { Person p(Caller); if (!Game::IsFreeplay()) return false; if (p.HasName("LeitstellePerson")) return true; if (Caller->GetID() == Target->GetID()) return false; return false; } void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) { GameObjectList ol; GameObject *o; ActorList al; Actor spawnpoint; Vector spawnpos; Person p; float rot[9]; float childRot[9]; Vector tpos; PersonList pl; // fahrzeug finden ol = Game::GetGameObjects("ambu3"); // fahrzeug anwaehlen o = *ol.GetObject(0); Vehicle v(o); // ersatzfahrzeug? if (v.IsDestroyed()) { // spaeter wird hier ersatzfahrzeug gefordert Mission::PlayHint("RTW1 wurde zerstoert und steht deshalb nicht mehr zur Verfuegung."); return; // abbrechen } // frei fuer einsatz? if (!v.HasCommand(FREEFORALERT)) { Game::ExecuteCommand("PCmdFPAlarmambu5",Caller,Target); return; } else { // alarm-meldung ausgeben Mission::PlayHint("A1 inzet 21-107"); // fahrzeug auf "im einsatz" setzen v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, FREEFORALERT_FALSE, &v, 1, true); // wache-eingang finden al=Game::GetActors("ambue"); if(al.GetNumActors() > 0) { spawnpoint = *al.GetActor(0); spawnpos = spawnpoint.GetPosition(); } else { Mission::PlayHint("Kann Rettungswache1-Eingang nicht finden!"); return; } // besatzung erzeugen? bool ob_ra1 = false; bool ob_ra2 = false; pl = v.GetPassengers(); for(int i=0; i < pl.GetNumPersons(); i++) { //Mission::PlayHint(v.GetName()); if (pl.GetPerson(i)->HasCommand("PcmdStabilize")) { if(ob_ra1) { ob_ra2 = true; //Mission::PlayHint("Test... Habe Sani 2 an Board"); } else { ob_ra1 = true; //Mission::PlayHint("Test... Habe Sani 1 an Board"); } } if (pl.GetPerson(i)->IsParamedicTeam()) { ob_ra1 = true; ob_ra2 = true; //Mission::PlayHint("Test... Habe Sani-Team an Board"); } } bool vinbase = false; if (v.HasCommand(INBASE)) { vinbase = true; //Mission::PlayHint("Test... Fahrzeug ist auf seinem Stellplatz"); } // Sanitaeter 1 // besatzung erzeugen (1/2) if (!ob_ra1 && vinbase) { p = Game::CreatePerson("mod:Prototypes/Persons/01Ambulance/sani.e4p","Verpleeg"); p.GetRotation(rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], rot[3], rot[4], rot[5], rot[6], rot[7], rot[8]); Math::EulerToMatrix(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, childRot); Math::MultiplyMatrices(childRot, rot); p.SetRotation(childRot[0], childRot[1], childRot[2], childRot[3], childRot[4], childRot[5], childRot[6], childRot[7], childRot[8]); // " an wache-eingang spawnen GameObject *px(p); Game::FindFreePosition(px, spawnpos, 100); p.SetPosition(spawnpos); // " set commandable false p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, COMMANDABLE_FALSE, &p, 1, true); // " set commandable true p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, COMMANDABLE_TRUE, &p, 1, true); // " in fahrzeug einsteigen p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "entercar", o, 0, false); } // Sanitaeter 2 // besatzung erzeugen (2/2) if (!ob_ra2 && vinbase) { p = Game::CreatePerson("mod:Prototypes/Persons/01Ambulance/sani.e4p","Verpleeg"); p.GetRotation(rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], rot[3], rot[4], rot[5], rot[6], rot[7], rot[8]); Math::EulerToMatrix(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, childRot); Math::MultiplyMatrices(childRot, rot); p.SetRotation(childRot[0], childRot[1], childRot[2], childRot[3], childRot[4], childRot[5], childRot[6], childRot[7], childRot[8]); // " an wache-eingang spawnen GameObject *px(p); Game::FindFreePosition(px, spawnpos, 100); p.SetPosition(spawnpos); // " set commandable false p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, COMMANDABLE_FALSE, &p, 1, true); // " set commandable true p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, COMMANDABLE_TRUE, &p, 1, true); // " in fahrzeug einsteigen p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "entercar", o, 0, false); } // // besatzung einsatzbereit? bool ready = false; if (ob_ra1 && ob_ra2) { ready= true; } // in basis if (vinbase) { v.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 4.0); //Zeit bevor Tor aufgeht v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "OpenGate", &v, 1, true); v.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 3.0); //Zeit bis Fahrzeug fŠhrt nachdem das Tor offen ist //Mission::PlayHint(v.GetName()); } // nicht in basis und nicht einsatzbereit? if (!ready && !vinbase)) { Mission::PlayHint(v.GetName()); Mission::PlayHint("Ohne zwei Sani. oder einem Sani.-Team, Einsatz nicht moeglich!"); v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "VCmdFPGoHome", &v, 1, true); return; } // fahrzeug set commandable true v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, COMMANDABLE_TRUE, &v, 1, true); // bl und sosi an if(!v.HasCommand("DUMMYHasSiren")) { v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "VCmdSiren", o, 0, false); } // verlaesst basis v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, INBASE_FALSE, &v, 1, true); if (!vinbase) { // warnleuchten aus v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "VCmdWarningLightsOff", &v, 1, true); // sl aus (beleuchtung) v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "VCmdSpecialLightsOff", &v, 1, true); } // losfahren zum einsatzort tpos = Game::GetCommandPos(); v.PushActionMove(ACTION_APPEND, tpos); } } }; Thx, Bernt
  6. If you want, i will help with this mod? I can nearly everything, only moddeling not. PM me:)
  7. It's has the good size, in the begin he starts, but when set buildings and so on the map since then he crash:(
  8. Hello, My EM4 is crashing when i load my own made map, The logfile:logfile.txt I hope you can help me. Thanks! Bernt
  9. Yes it correctly, Some one say this: i don't understand it:
  10. Hello, I added 2 lines to my script, but now i recieve a error. I hope some one can help me. This i added: // BMA-Einsätze initialisieren ofz->PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND,"bmaeinsatz_initialisierung",ofz,0,false); My script: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Brabant Mod - Freeplay - Script v1.1 // // ************************************* // // // // 1.0| FPPlaceUnits // // | | // // | |- Units worden geplaatst, comment lijnen (//) is verdeeld in blokken. // // | | Elk van hen kan worden verwijderd zonder dat het script fouten geeft. // // | | // // | '- Die met een Ster (*) markeert is moet aangepast worden. // // | Meerdere sterren betekent dat er meedere dingen moeten worden aangepast // // | Daarbij geld: 2 steren 2 aanpassingen, enzo verder. // // | // // 2.0| FPMSG_1 // // | // // 2.1| FPMSG_2 // // | // // 3.0| OnLoad // // // // _____________________ // // Skript frei fuer alle // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 1.0 void FPPlaceUnits() { // Grüne Schatten deaktivieren System::SetEnv("e4_doocclusion", 0); Camera::SetMinCamZ(500.0f); Camera::SetMaxCamZ(9000.0f); Camera::SetMinCamPitch(20.0f); Camera::SetMaxCamPitch(90.0f); // Parameter fuer Fahrzeugerzeugung definieren Vector parkplatz; Actor parkobj; float rot[9]; float childRot[9]; Vehicle v; ActorList l1; GameObjectList vl; GameObject *o1; GameObjectList ol1; GameObject *o2; GameObjectList ol2; GameObject *ofz; GameObjectList lfz; ActorList fzl; //Mission::PlayHint("Meldkamer word ingericht"); ol1=Game::GetGameObjects("LeitstellePerson"); if(ol1.GetNumObjects() > 0) { //Brandweer1 o1 = *ol1.GetObject(0); Game::AddToGroup(o1,0); Person p1(o1); p1.AssignCommand("Alarmering_Neven"); p1.AssignCommand("Alarmering_Centrum"); p1.AssignCommand("Alarmering_PostN"); p1.AssignCommand("Alarmering_PostC"); //Brandweer2 o1 = *ol1.GetObject(1); Game::AddToGroup(o1,1); Person p2(o1); p2.AssignCommand("PCmdFPAlarmTS3P"); p2.AssignCommand("PCmdFPAlarmAL2P"); p2.AssignCommand("PCmdFPAlarmSWP"); p2.AssignCommand("PCmdFPAlarmTWP"); p2.AssignCommand("PCmdFPAlarmDB2P"); //Ambulance o1 = *ol1.GetObject(2); Game::AddToGroup(o1,2); Person p3(o1); p3.AssignCommand("Alarmambu"); p3.AssignCommand("PCmdFPAlarmFR"); p3.AssignCommand("PCmdFPAlarmMMTA"); p3.AssignCommand("PCmdFPAlarmOVDG"); p3.AssignCommand("PCmdFPAlarmLH"); //Politie o1 = *ol1.GetObject(3); Game::AddToGroup(o1,3); Person p4(o1); p4.AssignCommand("PCmdFPAlarmTouran"); p4.AssignCommand("PCmdFPAlarmTouran2"); p4.AssignCommand("PCmdFPAlarmTouran3"); p4.AssignCommand("PCmdFPAlarmGolf"); p4.AssignCommand("PCmdFPAlarmGolf2"); p4.AssignCommand("PCmdFPAlarmGolf3"); p4.AssignCommand("PCmdFPAlarmT5"); p4.AssignCommand("PCmdFPAlarmOVDP"); //Overige o1 = *ol1.GetObject(4); Game::AddToGroup(o1,4); Person p5(o1); p5.AssignCommand("PCmdFPAlarmEOC"); p5.AssignCommand("PCmdFPAlarmANWB"); //Buiten de map o1 = *ol1.GetObject(5); Game::AddToGroup(o1,5); Person p6(o1); p6.AssignCommand("PCmdFPAlarmMEA"); p6.AssignCommand("PCmdFPAlarmVOA"); p6.AssignCommand("PCmdFPAlarmATA"); p6.AssignCommand("PCmdFPAlarmHV2P"); p6.AssignCommand("PCmdFPAlarmA1"); p6.AssignCommand("PCmdFPAlarmA2"); p6.AssignCommand("PCmdFPAlarmA3"); p6.AssignCommand("PCmdFPAlarmA4"); } else { Mission::PlayHint("Kan de centralisten niet vinden!"); } ol2 = Game::GetGameObjects("Meldkamer"); if(ol2.GetNumObjects() > 0) { o2 = *ol2.GetObject(0); OpenHouse oh(o2); oh.ShowCeiling(false,false,false); } else { Mission::PlayHint("Kan de meldkamer niet vinden!"); } // BMA-Einsätze initialisieren ofz->PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND,"bmaeinsatz_initialisierung",ofz,0,false); //Mission::PlayHint("Hulpverleningsvoertuigen worden op de map gezet!"); /////// Touran /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// vl=Game::GetGameObjects("Touran"); // * if(vl.GetNumObjects() > 0) { Mission::PlayHint("STW1 befindet sich bereits auf der Karte!"); // * } else { l1=Game::GetActors("Touran"); // * if(l1.GetNumActors() > 0) { parkobj = *l1.GetActor(0); parkplatz = parkobj.GetPosition(); v = Game::CreateVehicle("mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/03Politie/touran_weiss.e4p","Touran"); // ** v.SetSpeed(14.0f); // * v.SetMaxPassengers(2); // * v.SetMaxTransports(2); // * v.EnableBlueLights(false); v.EnableBreakLights(false); v.EnableSpecialLights(false); v.GetRotation(rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], rot[3], rot[4], rot[5], rot[6], rot[7], rot[8]); Math::EulerToMatrix(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, childRot); // * Math::MultiplyMatrices(childRot, rot); v.SetRotation(childRot[0], childRot[1], childRot[2], childRot[3], childRot[4], childRot[5], childRot[6], childRot[7], childRot[8]); v.SetPosition(parkplatz); v.SetCommandable(false); v.RemoveCommand("DUMMYHasAutoSiren"); v.RemoveCommand("GoHome"); v.AssignCommand("DUMMYFPIsFreeForAlert"); v.AssignCommand("VCmdFPSetFreeForAlert"); v.AssignCommand("DUMMYFPIsInBase"); v.AssignCommand("VCmdFPGoHome"); v.SetParking(true); // test } else { Mission::PlayHint("Kann Parkplatz fuer STW1 nicht finden!"); // * } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// }; // 2.0 void FPMSG_1() { //Mission::PlayHint("Kaart word ingericht"); }; // 2.1 void FPMSG_2() { Camera::SetCameraToLocation("Meldkamer"); Mission::PlayHint("Kaart ingericht! Michael en Bernt wensen u veel plezier met het spelen van de mod!!"); }; // 3.0 bool OnLoad() { FPMSG_1(); FPPlaceUnits(); FPMSG_2(); Process::Kill(); return true; } Happy x-mas
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