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Everything posted by Bernt

  1. Pwnd Added:) I think he not added this mod is realistic:)
  2. ------------- http://mikesphotos.us/ He's back!!!!
  3. Thats woltep script: Bewaffnete Festnahme http://home.arcor.de/woltep/em/w.htm
  4. Is this only for the wii?
  5. Hey i download now the newversion:D
  6. Hey! modder:D I have play the game! Nice freeplay map!! Maybe make a police officer^^ Greetz Bernt. PS A happy new year!
  7. Nice hoppah! hmm i like that mission:P
  8. Nice mod! Happy newyear from the Netherlands
  9. Motorcycle:) and the new Dodge Charger:)
  10. ye nice! Whats the version for that? 3.0
  11. Hi, ? Battalion Chief Command post (like in EM3). Maybe a screen van em 3 comand post?
  12. whats that? ? Battalion Chief Command post (like in EM3). Maybe a picture plz:$
  13. My city Firetrucks Old foto is now new color, stickers and restauration: My city fire station(new):
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