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Everything posted by Ami89E1234

  1. aha i can just imagine u and ur GF having a Viking fetish/torture thing . eeeew lol
  2. thats one of the best models ive seen in EM4. i love your work, Voodoo
  3. the coolest fire vehicles ever: i once saw a toy fire train in Germany but my dad wouldnt let me buy it im gonna make one of them for my German mod lols
  4. i never said copyright doesnt extend to public domain, im saying if something is found on a public place like internet and doesnt have a real copyright, then its public domain and anyone can use. and WMG is removing all of those audio illegally. thats why ive written a declaration of war (im getting it signed lols) and am going to deliver an ultimatum to them and all other companies that think they can stop "illegal" things. thats bull. they can never do that. its not possible. besides, its not illegal in any way. those companies are more like an annoying 12 year old who likes waving his dick in front of peoples face: no one cares, and is ANNOYING as hell. end of discussion. i dont want an argument, cause only retards argue in general, esp. internet arguing
  5. LIKE I SAID ON STEAM YESTERDAY: i have an entire page written with every cheat on it. lol. where the **** u find the audio? internet? BTW, i found an exploit: nobody will attack you until after u capture the maid, so u can send ur minions to plot and steal and get millions and discover most of the Acts of Infamy (even ones found later in the game) by that way EDIT: yay i found a free .mp3 download. ME SO HAPPY!
  6. *facepalm* he already said he tried but it wouldnt let him as personally seeing some of the models in Zmodeler2 (they wanted me to do some exporting) i can say this: the Carabinieri (ie mafia police ) alfa and i forget the other. ah. found the files: Alfa_Romeo_159_Carabinieri.3ds, Alfa_Romeo_159_Squadra_Volante.3ds, (Alfa_Romeo_C.v3o, Alfa_Romeo_S.v3o) those were for Auto_fra's mod i think
  7. just uninstall and get a new one. its freeware so its not that big a deal lol
  8. im already making a SD mod lols ( i can give you the models ive already made though so you can get more work done than on Roseville ) lol im sure theres a topic on it in the EFR section.... and yes! there is. Sycuan/San Diego mod
  9. lols that tut is for Zmodeler, not Zmodeler2 (but its still basically the same)
  10. yeah lol. im probably gettin a gaming keyboard for Christmas as well as the gaming mouse (from the same company) and they both have programmable buttons
  11. yes, i saw that a long time ago, but intellectual copyright usually only covers things that are NOT public domain. the mod IS public domain since its on the internet. so id suggest getting some form of better copyright (one you can defend with actual proof) so some fat 8 year old kid in Mexico doesnt steal your mod like Mike recommends, you should at least get a license agreement or whatever he called it
  12. i know man, right? god i just love the theme song but i cant find the audio files in the folder
  13. lol the ones i get are from ppl asking about the mod being released or "will you make me a tester" or sometimes just "I cant wait and really want to see it". READ THE TOPIC, FOOLS!
  14. ahahaha wtf is with all the interrogation chairs? reminds me of earlier today when 2 superagents got into my lab (Jet Chan and that US dude) so they started raping it/my minions so i was AHHHHHHHHHHHH and it was hilarious cause ive been on orange alert for like a month (so my guys always have weapons, just in case) so all my workers and guards were running in and there was a HUGE gunbattle in my lab. bastards blew up my Centrifuge and Biotanks (but i have 5 mil so it doesnt matter ) but got them out at the end hmm whats funny is that in that pic they have every henchman i have currently except Montezuma
  15. max amount of polys for EM4: less than 10000 id stick with less than 3000 or 4000 polys for easier skinning/uvmapping
  16. lol arent those the same thing? man its gettin to be a bitch cause i have 4/5 SuperAgents on my ass. i wonder if Mariana Mamba's weakness are the Playboys? i should see lol
  17. lols we have to do tht like every week anyway, i still have to reinstall my EM4 and get 1.9. DAMMIT I LOST my frickin complete translation
  18. sorry for the late reply but been a lil busy. anyway, if youre mininons arent loyal, the presence if yiur genius will raise their loylty. so will the staff room, loot in your strongroom (or wherever ) and you could always capture and release a minion to get their loyalty to 100% or have ur Genius eecute a minion with low loyalty (or anything really) to raise everyone who sees its loyalty To activate traps, you need a pressure pad or laser trip wire (both are in the trap menu). remember that you still have to rsearch a lot and u probably wot have the lasers and some traps but thats normal. to connect them, click on either a trap or activator, and it should give you a tutorial on the link mode. if not, just click on the red circles and click on another red circle to connect them, and connect as many as you want to a single trap (you also get money if you make "ingenious evil trap sequences" or using the abilities of several traps in unison to get someone just ask if you need any more help YAY i played EG again yesterday and the frickin heli that was stuck on the pad finally left, enabling me to do missions again and getting all my henchman who were stuck in limbo to return.
  19. not really. if people say its too hard for them to learn Zmodeler2 but not a program 100X harder like Maya then they have some issues lol. Zmod2 is like one of the easiest and most flexible modeling programs out so it cant be too hard.
  20. in all honesty people who say even Zmodeler2 is hard then they are SOOO lazy i mean look at me; i followed Hoppah's tuts and my first models (due to some mistakes) looked horrible and werent ever finished but i kept going and now i can make models for FPS games if i wanted. and that was only what, a little over a year ago that it occurred to me how to model lol lol i has XSI and i dont even know how to use it (i havent really looked at any tuts yet) thats why i dont like modeling programs with tons of options and crap
  21. no but seriously if anyone wants to play Gmod (or any other Steam game i have (and yes, i know the company isnt Steam, i just mean all the ones ive got so far) add me as a friend on Steam user: em4rulz and we can set up a time. i haz lots of addons and am working on some myself btw lol (so if anyone is good with XSI i NEED you) but u need to have at least wiremod and PHX to play with me edit: lolz i just got the Physics house. havent tried to see if it works with 10 yet
  22. What copyright? there is none lol
  23. for one dont put the output folder as youre game folder. just double check to make sure everythign is right ie file IS unpacked
  24. Zmodeler2 for almost everything. XSI (i think) is what i use for Source games. everything else is Maya cause thats the best lol i think most of the people here who say they have 3DS have an illegal version
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