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Everything posted by Ami89E1234

  1. I hate you! lol jk but I love cats LOOL Cartman. So which one of them is it supposed to be?
  2. What I don't get is that why poor people have children. I mean, that's just going to make them poorer and doesn't help the problem in the slightest. Why would you even want a child to have to live like that?
  3. Only in America does it take 20 fat cops to arrest one person...
  4. OMG that ooo just pissed myself laughing.
  5. Get a good image processing program. Recommend PS CS 4 Extended lol. Then you also need a huge amount of resources dedicated to it from your PC. Not to mention having months of free time to do it. Then you have to get it ingame and spend more months working on it.
  6. *breaks tension* Lol I recognized that from 2012 (movie)
  7. Lol Hi, Billy Mays here. Got tough lime buildup? CLR it! Got an idiot on the internet? CLR it!
  8. Well I have v 2.2.2 so I guess I'll try to run as admin or something. If not I can always complain on the Zmod forums lol.
  9. OMFG I love that VW bus lol. How the hell do you make the textures look so realistic? They look better than skins I've seen from almost all professional companies.
  10. Lol can anyone help me? My Zmodeler2 keeps crashing like every 5 minutes and it's really annoying and it never did on my old XP PC. Is it Windows' fault or am I just stupid and overlooked something?
  11. Yes. You should learn more U.S. history. Might cure your annoying habit lol.
  12. Umm he did that a LOOONG time ago. He didn't 'retire', he just stepped down so he could spend more time with his 'charitable' organization.
  13. Bill Gates isn't the CEO of Micro**** anymore. See, companies like that (which are monopolies and illegal according to U.S. law) should have to give tons of money to charity and crap.
  14. OMG WTF does IRFQ mean! It's been bugging me waaaaaaaay too much.
  15. And who would that be lol? Recession much? World should just force companies like EA Games, Microsh*t, InBev, etc. to just donate money and crap to everything.
  16. ZM2 is better and how is it easier? lol SketchUp sucks. Can't create very good models (for EM4) and then it is a PAIN in the ass to convert and even then you get very bad models when imported in ZM2 and the skins don't work. Although SketchUp is easier, this goes for EVERYONE; do not learn it first; learn ZM2 first. Then it'll seem even easier lol. BTW @pyrothijs: tell your airport to get a longer runway lol. Tried landing a Bombardier CRJ700 and failed... miserably (flew off the end of the runway and nearly took the roof off of some dude's house but managed to recover but stalled so had to put down about 10 km south of the airfield).
  17. Was Haiti an American colony? I don't think so. Besides, why are you dissing your own country? We didn't do anything to make them poor. Although we've largely avoided them, that can be said about most countries. The world can't rely on the U.S. alone; they have to make their own 'way' through life. Can't see as to why they're even thinking on relying on us, since we always seem to enter into pointless and/or unwinnable fights/situations.
  18. Zmodeler2 for making all models, Notepad or Notepad2 for scripting (as well as a knowledge of C++).
  19. Zmodeler2 is also a 3D Modeling program. Get it (it's free but to get things for EM4 you'll need to register it for $60). Then you'll need to make a skin and UV Map the model and add it ingame. What you could do, in a mission or so, is just edit the path right in front of it so cars cross lanes.
  20. Oooh, 2 off-topic posts. Sooo derailed. Well, I guess since you made a 3rd that makes it a derailment.
  21. Wonder if France is actually doing anything, since it's basically their fault Haiti is so piss-poor. CBF'd right now; got to finish a 10 hour fight from LAX to Haneda in FSX and my 747 hates me right now lol.
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