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Everything posted by Ami89E1234

  1. *Sighs* there is a Zmodeler2 tutorial here by Hoppah. Very easy to follow and how many on here learned to model (including me *thumbs up*) To delete the lightbar only, go into Polygon Mode and delete the polygons that make up the lightbar. Then go into vertex mode and use Create - Polygon - Single to add new polys, then move them with Edit - Move. I can add pictures if needed. You also said you wanted to add it to another? Import both vehicles then go to Polygon Mode and go to Select - Single and right-click on the polys you want. Then go into Selected Mode (space) and go to Create - Copy and move it to where you want it using Object Mode and deselect all polys (shift + d) and exit Selected Mode. Then you probably need to flip the polys of the copied part so go to Modify - Flip (still in Object Mode) and click on the lightbar once. That should do it.
  2. Guess what? They had already run the course without problems. It was a simple miscalculation, not a full-fledged official screw up. ^ It gives a bad look for Pennsylvania. Nuff said.
  3. Hmm that's what I thought. Well the RAM specs must be on the third sheet (which I can't find) so the only other thing I found even close was Nero but that's not it I think.
  4. Read it on MSN. He had his own plane lol. Well, it's the IRS' own fault. Why would you want to work for a company whose manual is 38,000 pages long anyway? And isn't it contradicting in terms to say you have no words then write an entire thing about it?
  5. Well I have W7 and one of the newest Alienwares so it probably is pretty new... but Zoo Tycoon is a MS Game Studios product anyway, and I've set it's compatibility to XP SP 2 so it should work. I think it's SATA-II but I'm not sure (is that RAM lol?)
  6. My values <var name="e4_maxcampitch" value="74." /> <var name="e4_maxcamz" value="3500" /> <var name="e4_mincampitch" value="47" /> <var name="e4_mincamz" value="1400." / Taken straight from Hoppah.
  7. Well I usually have several other things running as well but I already checked Task Manager. Even with everything, less than 30% of my total Physical Memory was being used and like 5% of my CPU.
  8. Well I would play Zoo Tycoon 2 on my PC lol but it doesn't work; every time I try to play it launches the white MS Game Studios thing and then turns to black and gives me an error message that says: This game requires at least 256 MB of system memory to play. (0 detected) which is total crap because I have like 8 GB of RAM or something like that lol. Can anyone help?
  9. Lol well the black guy did hit first...
  10. ? It's not that hard to change lol. Just make sure you changed the x and y values, but I don't see how it couldn't work if you did it right.
  11. Lol was saying that a lot of older members know about it. Hmm my EM4 still cuts off a bit despite the fact I've manually changed it. Now excuse me; Imma go make a space map for L4D.
  12. OMG Hoppah is from Apple! I knew he was a computer... Lol I was talking to the people who constantly put Ipod. God that galls me.
  13. My .cfg file in Notepad looks exactly like how I posted it before, straight from it. Dunno why his wasn't working then. Not Notepad's fault. And by most people I meant those that have already been here awhile. BTW maybe people will be "smarter" if you're nicer. Oh snap.
  14. Ami89E1234


    Should have other choices for how many times. Favorite is Peach tea. From Germany, I think.
  15. Everywhere and nowhere O_O

  16. I have an iPod Nano which I can say I like very much. Kinda hard to watch movies on it but entertaining nonetheless. Battery life is pretty short but I usually don't have time to drain it all at once. Dunno, my iTunes is a little screwed up cause of compatibility issues with my Windows or something. BTW people, anything from Apple is iThing, not Ithing. I want an MS Surface though. Those are cool, and they're supposed to be publicly available this year.
  17. LAFD has it's own command truck(s). It also has it's own rehab tenders, and both have been suggested but they really don't serve that much use and so were never really considered.
  18. He should lol. If you've ever seen the music vid for Donkey Rhubarb you'd know what a Pedo Bear is and it would make it funnier.
  19. Of course you can unpack and edit the original files. I've done it all the time.
  20. I say whenever someone is stupid that Stan should find them and come to them dressed as Pedo Bear and... teach them a lesson
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