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Everything posted by Ami89E1234

  1. No, it's the weird tepee shaped one in North Pyongyang.
  2. Wait are you talking about the Multiplayer map? If multiplayer, then that's not Hoppah's map first of all, he just edited it from the original slightly (i.e. airport). Second, double post. Third, I don't think you can do it (add a second one) in multiplayer. Fourth, you don't really need it.
  3. In Freeplay? In LAMod? Dunno if you can in Freeplay, but in missions you'd have to put the mission location further away from the HQ.
  4. Ouch lol. And I just got my Driver's Permit. Woo!
  5. It's just a hotel. And they'be been working on it since 1987
  6. Hold on, there's a section over it in the Editor Manual. Lemme find it for you. EDIT Copied exactly from the manual: "The green circle of this function type determines that area of the TFMB (Fire extinguishing motor boat transport vehicle) and FMB (Fire extinguishing motor boat) on land or in water that can be clicked on. The centre of the landing area is exactly between the water and land in ideal cases. It should point to the water with an arrow and have a radius of approximately 300." Dunno if it's the exact same for EM4 but should be very similar. I think the red markers are added afterward in game by the game itself wherever the Landing Stage is present.
  7. They are experimenting with Capitalistic "special zones" these days though
  8. Dude, it's called marketing. Of course the Manager is going to make you believe these things. I'd rather trust the person who actually worked in the kitchen (or at least was exposed to it).
  9. I'm not some infidel, I know damn well what North Korea's "like". But you gotta admit, Il's got a pretty damn sweet theme song. Albeit the lyrics are a bit creepy, narcissistic, and stalkerish http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoUybUHXYZ8
  10. Seriously lol? There isn't even enough room for those. Like said, the current buildings are more than enough to handle just about anything the game can throw at you. And do you even realize the amount of work it would take to add that many new buildings?
  11. Actually there aren't that few cars in NK. In fact, there are some things I like about NK better than say here, like free healthcare, etc. The ONLY problem with NK is the government and it's leaders. Other than that, it's quite the perfect country.
  12. Of course they have ambulances. Everyone knows that. Although they probably only have like 5. To me it looks more like a police van, unless the little dot is a red cross. I think the ambulances there steal babies and dump them in rivers and yes, North Korea is still as bad, although that picture makes it look nice. I also have a distinct memory of destroying that building in the background multiple times in Mercenaries lol.
  13. Fail he's not talking about you.
  14. TSO - Trans Siberian Orchestra.
  15. List of favorite music artists: 1. Nightwish 2. Dethklok New 3. Rucka Rucka Ali 4. TSO Rucka Rucka Ali is the funniest person. Ever. Even better than Weird Al. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioWjm7neoVA&playnext_from=TL&videos=ilHd0LPRo8M
  16. Lol I'm Lutheran and we have the 5 PM Service of Saturday, but mainly old people go to that Then 8, 9:30, and 11 AM services. 11's my favorite since it's our 'informal' service and they play like rock music and it's awesome. Also get to got to New Orleans for a week because of church (National Youth Gathering) (we leave this Friday @ 6 AM and get back LAAAAAAATE next Thursday).
  17. You have to buy it. English version. Normal version.
  18. White Castle is awesome. This is why you bring HOME and eat White Castle. Nah, Quad Whopper. Now THAT, is some sick sh*t.
  19. HOW THE HELL DID THEY LOSE!!! DAMMIT!! Paul must die. Part 1 of my bid to become and Evil Genius. Spain seriously did NOT deserve to win. Again with the honor >_<
  20. You can make cars in Zmodeler2.
  21. Bad physics? I've had people who've fallen through the docks on the freeplay map so I couldn't get to them lol. (In fact, it was the same dock as the one in the bottom left of the pic ) As far as I can tell it's a bug and there's nothing you can do. You can look at the map and just make sure the physics there are ok.
  22. One: How the hell did you have two ingrown toenails? Ouch, I had my left big toe ingrown and that hurt like f*ck. Two: Ding
  23. If you're getting mugged or... something... like that, then you should yell FIRE!!! People will actually look and have a better chance of helping because it's human nature not to get involved when someone yells HELP. Sick freaks >_<
  24. No real contest there. Guess Germany's gonna be third. Oh well. Netherlands better win, or I shall consume Princess Juliana Airport. Right now Imma go have some calamari *cough*Formerly named Paul*cough*
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