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Everything posted by ShadyCB

  1. Back with a brand new rap and I'm almost 19 years old, long live EMERGENCY 4! :D

  2. The lightbar didn't change xD, It's still the same so i take no credit.
  3. EDIT: A video will be coming soon, But the reskin of the LAPP has now bin completed!, Here are some photos. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/198/em42011051315201995.png/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/542/em42011051315204273.png/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/821/em42011051315205971.png/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/219/em42011051315220595.png/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/3/em42011051315224623.png/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/204/em42011051315225865.png/ That's all for now. (TRIPLE POST NOTICED.)
  4. Right so heres the deal, My cursur played up now, I haven't tried to get back into EM4 but basically my cursur apparntly hugs to one side (which is the bottom left side) which is strange because my cursur is on the middle of the screen and my fingers are off of the pad and my hands are on the movement keys, What can i do to help this problem.?
  5. Sometimes i make Textures that are either in the middle,Big,low i keep going up and down basically lol
  6. Well i sometimes import images to fit on people or cars ETC ETC, But sometimes they look blurry, And to me it looks like I've rushed my work which annoys me, I know i cannot be perfect but any tips on solving blurry issues?
  7. What's the difference in: Texturing,Skinning,Uv Mapping.? Skinning is what I'm doing (Doing some decals by hand and some by pic etc etc) But what make's it so different from Texturing and Uv Mapping?
  8. Hey what do you guy's want to see (Including Guests) first? Vancouver PD. Or Tornorto PD?
  9. OK so i wanted to add a unit that is a car to the Police side i know that Hoppah made a Tutorial but its outdated and i can't really understand any of it and I'm stuck. Basically anyone who knows how to add cars post here and tell me how step by step please.
  10. Thanks i manage to find out it was a 2004 model.
  11. Hm. So the Models/Voice Acting/Sirens/Lights/New Textures, Doesn't matter? Sorry if that looked like it was meant to be harsh it wasn't, I just don't know if this mod is due to LA's Name, The Servces or the gangs or the city, :S:S:S:S I need help on trying to figure out why it's so big
  12. What made it so big? so populor?
  13. What model is the LAPD Slicktop? (LA MOD 2.0)
  14. Well i can only skin/Reskin, I can't do Scripting or Making another model.
  15. OK so here is the Pic of the PDCar. And as some of you may know I'm working on a VPD Mod Anyhow. You may see a Logo on the Police Car there. That Logo i want and i am not going to search for the Logo and paste it (Mainly i can't find some online) So could anyone help me try to Make the same Logo but by hand? Also i am using GIMP2.
  16. Oh right OK well I'll get to work on finding who made the MODEL thanks for pointing that out.
  17. ^^; Ha, Thanks ^^ Your really friendly. I love your creations so keep them up You inspired me even more.
  18. Ooh right o.o sorry didn't realize, If you don't mind me asking. What editing program do you use?
  19. O.O How the hell do you get these textures to look so good? >.< And i know but sometimes the old paint job are abit fitting
  20. Tomorrow I'll put a Poll up, And it may be something big, Remember i know what you don't , So how are you today?
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