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  1. To install certain mods that don't give you files you want to use the Mod Installer in the games files normally located here C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\911 First Responders Hopefully this video may help you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42OykAoD968 Also if you have the original 911 : First responders some mods may not work for it as I believe it was removed from steam and reposted a new game under the title Emergency 4 : Deluxe Edition (I think )
  2. So I don't know if anyone else is having a problem but when ever you load the map and go into freeplay you are unable to select and command any units. I assume this is because the game 911 : First responders was removed. How are you able to fix this or do you need to buy the Deluxe one.
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