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coastiestevie last won the day on May 19 2023

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  1. Couple of bugs I noticed; whenever you call an engineer to repair vehicles using the table outside the fire station by the shell gas station, the engineers run all the way over from the main station by the police station. Is this mod still in progress?
  2. coastiestevie

    any usa mod

    There's one called New Creek. Beaverfield has no release date as of yet.
  3. So even after de-contamination, even if they're standing up, they need to go to the hospital? I'll try that next!
  4. HAZMAT decontaminated all infected persons All leaks were contained Forklifts and containers were towed away Still cannot clear the HAZMAT call at the docks
  5. Version 1.0.0


    A compilation of emergency vehicles responding as your new game intro. All ready to go! Place in 911 First Responders\Data\Video. Make a back up in case you don't like it.
  6. Version 1.0.0


    The original intro to Rescue 911, from the popular 80s/90s TV show. Just place in 911 First Responders\Data\Video. Be sure to back up in case you don't like it!
  7. Anyone else having issues clearing the HAZMAT call? I've tried completing all tasks, calling the fire chief to see if they can "take control of scene" and removing the contaminated objects, but it still won't clear...
  8. Oh alrighty, that makes sense! Great work so far! Regarding light bar radiation, is there a way to turn it down? I feel they are way too bright and it ruins the look of the lights when its on? Just curious! Rotators were usually weak in brightness during the day. Something also worth mentioning; for some reason I can't load back up the motorboat once released from the trailer.
  9. I noticed there are some vehicle models missing; getting a couple of those grid shaped vehicles. Will there be any updates released any time soon?
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