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  1. It's been slow going for progress from me. I've sadly, not been able to do very much. This is one of the 87-89 Mack Pumpers, early WIP. More to come in the future, but I make no promises.
    11 points
  2. Happy New Year to everyone. I don't really have a message other than gratitude. Thank you for being along for the ride even if I've produced nothing as of late. Hopefully 2025 I'll release the civilian car project but I don't foresee any updates to playable vehicles. I've kind of run out of ideas. Anything that we add now (apart from helicopters) is just another variation or a vehicle which serves no purpose ingame. I'll consider my options but right now I'm thinking of a break from modding this new year. I'll come back when I have more motivation, time and ideas. I'll still keep to my promises no matter how late they come, at least.
    10 points
  3. Ever since playing GTA3, I always interested in this kind of helicopter. I didn't think I'd be able to make one but it did get done. More variations to come in the future. This asset will also see action in LA.
    9 points
  4. Sadly the forum has an attachment limit. It wont let me, you or anyone else have more than 100mb I believe. I can easily cross 10mb per post, just by the amount of images I upload. Regardless, I bring good news. The spermCopter is complete, and I have both body variations made.
    9 points
  5. Version 2.2


    New version of the mod with a bunch of fixes. Don't worry, future fixes will be released only as patches, but as of now - you need to redownload the mod once againe. Please share link directly here. Thank you! A Miami modification for Emergency 4 game featuring: - About 100 new playable units. - We have replaced all units types with new moddel (and even more). - New custom freeplay map. - New map (in freeplay and deluxefreeplay version) with a beach, large police dept, 2 firestations, hospital and Lifeguard tower. - Complete optimization. - Unlike other mods, anything that is not used - gets deleted, unnesasry prts of the moddels with high count of polygons - reworked. - Highest amount of aircraft compared to other mods. - Thats been said, we have new helicopters and airplanes. - Compelte UI. - Complete UI on commands and units and equipment. - New scripts and sirens. - We have all the nessesary scripts for your fun: parking script, limited water supply script, single strecher, traffic debug, and much more. - Top of the line bluelights. - Best bluelights that can be found (but they are optimized from what you saw on the videos). Please check readmefile for instructions on how to properly install the mod! Before attending any edit or modding out from here, check the readme file for Terms of ussage! Reuploading of the files are forbiden!
    9 points
  6. You know something, dude? I used to really look up to you. Out of the thousands of hours I've invested into this game, I'd reckon at least 15% of that was in your submod. It's been among my favorites since before I could even fathom the idea of making my own mods. As a matter of fact, the very first version of Hill Street Blues was made as just a little edit of your submod to kill some time during quarantine. I often return to your submod when I just wanna play the game without thinking about development or anything. So, it really hurts me that you have such little faith in our project. I can only home that we can prove you wrong when the mod is done.
    8 points
  7. It's been a while. First thing I can say is that we've been gifted new spec found. MotoStringer got us a new McCormick ambulance variation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vW1o6nyKWko This guy is legit as hell, if you're interested in these retro tapes, give him a sub. Another update is progress is coming really slowly. Recently, I began to texture the civilian vehicles and vehicle bases for additional units. This one's special - I've been meaning to get one made to replace the Jeep model we already have. Texture and miscellaneous parts by Yankee43. He did a great job and I hope you guys can give him some love too. With all this in mind, I'll cut back the traffic set even more. I'm not really getting as far as I want to with progress. I'll revert back to my original concept of replacing only the bare minimum, or else I'll never complete these assets, at the current rate of work.
    8 points
  8. 677,927 downloads

    Features- More than 50 playable units from Los Angeles- Highly detailed and accurate models- A completely new freeplaymap- 10 new missions- New sirens- Directional lights and floodlights- Fire station, police station and hospital- Automatic weapons and ballistic shields- Police barricades, traffic cones and flares- Bomb robots and motorcycles- Emergency 4 Deluxe and 911:First Responders compatible- Multiplayer compatible- English translation and voices and much more... This content is not authorized for posting on Steam or any other platform, except with prior written authorization.
    8 points
  9. I want them to be fully playable but that decision will go with the boys, and what they want. On that topic, we got very lucky recently: A DOT Bronco II has been confirmed, very lucky find. I'll have to model one of these someday. I'm also still working on this mod, but my contributions have been very minimal as of late.
    7 points
  10. Somehow I'm still working on it, just really slowly. If I can work out the bugs with trailers, I might be able to get the command trailer/MCI replacement done.
    7 points
  11. This is where I step in and say, if ya'll wanna beef, do it in DM's. I'll keep these posts for another week or so then hide them to keep shit on topic. I won't lock the thread if everyone can play nice.
    7 points
  12. Good news, I have begun constructing the helicopters/air assets for this mod. This will sit unfinished for a while. I don't have the motivation to continue beyond what I have at the moment. This was quite a challenge to make in the first place. I have this unfinished model, that I will now nickname as the "Spermcopter"
    7 points
  13. Check the mod, it is allready functioning. New MDPD Unmarked Dodge Durango Pursuit 2022: Credits: EmC-Unit.
    7 points
  14. I have very good news. The mysterious LAFD Ford Aerostar van has been found. Facebook retirees claim it is an EMS Supervisor vehicle. It shall be added to the mod.
    6 points
  15. Thank you everyone. Really appreciate the greetings. Just finishing up the last 10 or so civilian vehicles that need to be modelled. I hope to have results in a few more months. This will be the last big update to the mod. I don't have much left in me but I am having fun at least.
    6 points
  16. Surprise, It's still going! Since my last development photo I built a new computer at the start of 2022 which didn't have a drive to install the disk version of EM4 so it was only until recently I bought an external one to install it. I come back with a shot from the map which shows an electricity substation along with a construction site behind and more New York housing.
    6 points
  17. Hello to all! I am very excited to finally showcase a project that I have been working on for a little while. Currently, I only have some models done, at least 2 for each service so far. Without further adieu, I'll get right into it... BACKGROUND: This mod will be a 1:1 replacement of vanilla Emergency 4, it is designed to be a re-imagining of the base game if it had been based in the United States. For this reason, there is no city name, and agencies will be generically referred to as "Fire Department", "EMS", "Police" and "TEC". Just like in the base game, units are not numbered. There is the fire engine, police car, ambulance, etc. I really want to recreate that vanilla game feeling, with new assets and quality of life scripts. I plan on including basic LA mod scripts like controllable lighting and sirens, chase script, and maybe a few more. Again, I want to preserve the vanilla game aspect while brining it up to current times. This project will also serve to improve my modding skills in the hopes of me carrying out more complicated projects in the future. MAP: Keeping in touch with the base game, I plan on utilizing the vanilla deluxe map. I have a plethora of Americanized changes that I want to make to the map, but those will come in the future. Do not expect a brand new map, as that is not the point of this. THE FUTURE: With the core set of vehicles done, my next steps will be to get what I have into the game, ensure it all functions well, and then continue working on models. Once models are done, map modifications will be made and script implementation will occur, which will hopefully lead up to a release. The main part everyone wants to know about... As with other content creators, making mods for this game is not my #1 priority in life. I live a busy life, and this is a hobby for me. I do not have a release date or window, it may be a year, who knows. I still have lots to learn, but I hope you all will join me along this for this journey. EM4 has been a part of my life for probably a decade now, and I am glad to contribute to the community in any way that I can. Just please be mindful that I am busy, I play other games, do things in life outside of this, and I do this for fun. It will come out when it comes out, and for now I can give you this eye candy. I hope to excite and inspire you all, I do not know when the next updates will be, but you will surely see them here. Questions and constructive criticism are highly encouraged. Thank you for reading and more to come! -Yankee43 Police Units: EMS: Fire Department: TEC:
    6 points
  18. Hey all! Lets cut the negativity and get this back on track. This is a WIP on my end but what would NYC be without a yellow cab?
    6 points
  19. So, i was making those new red untis with a purpose, we have a new firestation number 3: Anyway, i could not chose images to cut, call me greedy or a show off but there will be 8 of them, and the page will load like shit: Credits: EmC-Unit.
    6 points
  20. Hello gents! I hope everything is well for you. I just wanted to drop a quick post to apologize for both the very slow progress on the sub-mod and my absence. During the last three months or so, I've been fully committed to learning C# and SQL coding for a (hopefully) new job, which has been taking up a significant chunk of my free time. As a result, I haven't been able to dedicate as much time as I would love to this project. Rest assured, tho, that I haven't forgotten about it. I'm still working on it albeit at a slower pace. I appreciate your patience and understanding. Until next time, gents! - LibertyWings
    6 points
  21. Version 0.6


    The United States Army Mod is a modification for Emergency 4 and based on the presence of the US military in a Middle-Eastern region. The mod features an entirely new map, several army and local (middle-eastern) emergency units, new events, unique units, a development tree and much much more. You can expect a total overhaul of the original game and fun and addictive gameplay! Important installation/play notes: 1. Remove any older US Army Mod installations (such as versions 0.4b and 0.5) 2. Download and extract the .zip package 3. Install the .e4mod file 4. Launch the game and load the US Army mod 5. Use the mission-menu and select 'Play United States Army Mod' to launch a new game The US Army mod is not freeplay nor multiplayer compatible! Don't forget to check out the US Army Mod Subforum for the latest news and discussions about this modification.
    6 points
  22. Matador? Standard one or Police Package? BTW, I found tthis one but I am pretty sure that you already know it:
    5 points
  23. It's been a long time coming. I've wanted this for a while and I finally have the mental fortitude to actually make it. I'm looking forward to when I'm able to put the equipment and paint on this thing. It's gonna be so rad.
    5 points
  24. Most of them have been lost to Discord. This is the only non-destructive image link that I have. Unfortunately it is a few months old.
    5 points
  25. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ! Have a peaceful sky above your head !
    5 points
  26. Thanks! But i have more: New mechanical siren - Whelen X-ecutor, also you can see lights done by FInn Rescue Sounds credit to: Henry455
    5 points
  27. Version 1.0.0


    Models by itchyboy and various authors. Special thanks to MrMook, Thunderbird and others for assistance with research. Engine 33 model and textures by ColumnDisciple. Credit must be given for use of these assets. Not for commercial use! You are not allowed to make money from these models. Converting any of these assets to other games outside of the Emergency games is prohibited. .pdn template included. Reuploading this file to other sites besides emergency-planet.com and emergency-forum.de is prohibited.
    5 points
  28. Just some cool reference photos, Southern Pacific Railroad Police from the 90s, courtesy of AJ Illenota on the "A fire truck (or emergency vehicle) of a different color" Facebook page.
    5 points
  29. Hey guys, i'm still alive, and working on adding untis ingame and UI on them. Here's some ingame screenshots (WIP):
    4 points
  30. In a hillarious bit of luck, an authentic NYC DOT tow truck has been found in an unlikely place - the original Men In Black film.
    4 points
  31. Thanks, but i have one more: Credits: EmC-Unit, Vojtula.
    3 points
  32. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Looking forward to seeing what's in store for 2025.
    3 points
  33. Test video of EQ2B siren. (I am going fix horn later*) Sounds credit to: RAFAELMFERNANDEZ
    3 points
  34. One more small little thing to showcase, some civ spec stuff that may appear in the mod. This GMC Yukon was edited from my Tahoe with the help of Itchyboy. Also, today we remember the nearly 3,000 souls that perished on this horrific day 23 years ago. I hope that in today's world of uncertainty, turmoil, and worry, we can come together as a community and mourn those we have lost and continue to lose. More than 7,000 American troops gave their lives in the resulting wars, perishing in the defense of freedom and safety for all around the world. Tens of thousands more would be injured, and we continue to lose many to suicide and illness. The 9/11 attacks may have now been 23 years ago, but it's effects are felt every single day. Many of us here may have been around on that day, and many of us not, regardless we owe it to those who have sacrificed so that we can be here today. Have a blessed day everyone, take some time out of your day to call your family or a friend, you never know what will happen tomorrow. We will Never Forget.
    3 points
  35. Are you shure there's no signs on the roof? Found some photos while number .. surfing:
    3 points
  36. Itch and his teams got both Montana and Project Nostalgia to full releases, and are now working on additional versions to add more content such as civil cars and helicopters for Nostalgia. Personally I can live with the minor bugs that exist like the vehicles in Project Nostalgia disappearing in campaign missions when you use a water cannon, when the fix will eventually come with even more content. As for this project, CanadianFrog is working on Edgewater, Hill Street Blues, and NYStalgia at the same time. They'll get released when they get released and this is a community that can wait. Hell it took almost ten years to release the full version of Miami didn't it, nobody complained when it came out a fully polished product with an original map, functioning surfboards, etc.
    3 points
  37. It likely depends on the scenario. Often for EMTs or Paramedics to pronounce they're supposed to call medical control (a doctor somewhere) first. However there's exceptions for places with bad communications or if you can't reach medical control for other reason. Often the protocol is written like "for medical arrests terminate after 30 min or 3 consecutive 'No shocks advised' from an AED". And as stated above most protocols allow for CPR to not be initiated (which is tantamount to pronouncement if there's obvious signs of death such as lividity or traumatic injuries incompatible with life. The reason you're not finding it when looking it up is that such specifics aren't at the state level, they're at the individual service/medical director level.
    3 points
  38. Todays NYstalgia Spec post. Very few 1991 caprices were purchased by the NYPD and they were bought in two batches. The first batch of 1991 Caprices had the same striping from the original 1973 design. The second batch introduced the NYC POLICE livery which was used until 1993 with some variations through the 3 years
    3 points
  39. Great looking station, I love it. It will be nice have the Miami Dade and Miami Beach units on the map.
    3 points
  40. New CSI Miami Lab building: Credits: EmC-Unit.
    3 points
  41. Version 1.02


    This is a submod that replaces (most) LA Mod vehicles with their counterparts from the 80s to 90s. The download link is contained in the .txt file provided. Open the .txt and copy the link into your web browser. A MEGA link should open up which enables you to download the mod from there. This needs to be installed as a standalone mod. A user guide is provided for some of the submod's features. Submod thread for discussion, updates, and bug reports. Please observe the following terms of use: All content in this submod may NOT be used in other mods! - I will be releasing a separate content pack to this submod that gives modders access to my models. Please be patient Not for commercial use! You are not allowed to make money from this submod. Conversion of any assets to other games besides the Emergency games is prohibited. Reuploading this submod to other sites besides emergency-planet.com and emergency-forum.de is prohibited.
    3 points
  42. Version 1.0.5


    All Vehicles and Campaign maps from Emergency 3 Credits: - All Emergency 3 game assets by Sixteen Tons Entertainment. - Original Models & Prototypes by Emergency 3 - GTF Prototype & Model by Itchboy - FGRB Prototype by Itchboy - Multi-Lang files by AeRaNDiR - Files adapted for EM4 by AeRaNDiR & Itchboy Map list: --- Emergency4 Campaign MISSION01 Construction crane falls on church! MISSION02 Tyre yard on fire! MISSION03 Sting on drugs cartel! MISSION04 Accident at Monster Truck Show! MISSION05 Raid in station area! MISSION06 Protection for top informant! MISSION07 Disaster in open pit! MISSION08 Breached levee near the town! MISSION09 Hacker causes total blackout! MISSION10 Explosion in fireworks factory! MISSION11 Collision at Airport! MISSION12 Oil rig on fire! MISSION13 Motorway bridge collapses! MISSION14 High speed train derailed! MISSION15 Bomb attack at summit! MISSION16 Fire at open air concert! MISSION17 Explosion destroys polar station! MISSION18 Hi-Jack! MISSION19 Accident in motorway tunnel! MISSION20 The Big One --- Emergency3 Campaign MISSION21 A road accident near the construction site! MISSION22 A stud farm on fire! MISSION23 A tanker crashes into a house! MISSION24 Traffic check! MISSION25 Illegal road race! MISSION26 Demolishing a high-rise building! MISSION27 Crash of a military test aircraft! MISSION28 An accident while Bungee Jumping! MISSION29 Multiple crash! MISSION30 Bomb scare in the cinema complex! MISSION31 A sniper threatens the town! MISSION32 Avalanche disaster! MISSION33 Gale front! MISSION34 Derailment of a train! MISSION35 Explosion in a chemical factory! MISSION36 Violent demonstration! MISSION37 Collapse of an adventure waterpark! MISSION38 A train is about to ram into the station concourse! MISSION39 Climatic upheavals! MISSION40 Terrorist attack: Dirty bomb! -Deluxe Maps 01 Humanitarian aid for civil war zone! 02 Relief for earthquake victims! 03 Maximum credible accident! Enjoy!!
    3 points
  43. Version v1.3


    This is the latest version of the London Modification which includes a new edited freeplay map with various UK buildings and civil traffic along with updated units & personnel from the capital’s main emergency response services: The Metropolitan Police, London Ambulance Service & London Fire Brigade. Version 1.3 also includes new units from the City of London Police, British Transport Police & London’s Air Ambulance. Updates, information and any news about future versions of the mod can be found on the London Mod forum page: http://www.emergency-planet.com/topic/7861-london-mod-in-progress/#comment-98073
    3 points
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