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Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/14/2025 in Posts

  1. It's been a long time coming. I've wanted this for a while and I finally have the mental fortitude to actually make it. I'm looking forward to when I'm able to put the equipment and paint on this thing. It's gonna be so rad.
    5 points
  2. Matador? Standard one or Police Package? BTW, I found tthis one but I am pretty sure that you already know it:
    3 points
  3. Just stopping by to say "New Spec Found". I wasn't sure if LAFD had 72 Matadors but it appears they did. The speaker setup on these is goofy.
    2 points
  4. Hey, just wondering since it's been a long while since anything has been posted or said, what's the status looking like? What still needs to be finished? Is there anything new? Have the creators been busy? Has this project gone dormant? There's no spite behind this message, just genuine curiosity. I've been following this project since it started and I think I speak for just about everyone when I say that I would absolutely love this mod to come out one day, this is by far the greatest modification the EM4 community has ever seen- It would be terrible to see it fall short. Best of luck!
    1 point
  5. i have been dreaming of playing city of angels mod for 5 years now, since montana mod have been release dose anybody know when the city of angels mod will be relased of if its gonna be relased. Best regard Erik
    1 point
  6. Wrap it up folks, this one is a loss.
    1 point
  7. hO,Ho AT first Merry Christmas After problems and ending of Chicago fire mod and Chicago sub mod with help of Rafale and with new team Chicago mod is back in game.Relase will be in 2016 but we have lot of work on it and im asking you to be paicient .Ok first the team im emsfan112 and im from croatia and sorry for bad englishok im skinner ,modeler and co founder of chicago mod also in team arefounder of mode pool and his team im wainting for names to arrive on my e-mail adress.Ok base mod is La mod 2,1 by hoppah we have permissions from itchboy and brooklyn mod team and rafael to use their awsome models and other stuff.Ok model will have real Cfd units and units from tv show Chicago fire and Chicago Pd.Mod will have riot script,new ladder script,pylon and flare script.Im not fan of limmited water supply script but if public wants this script the team will add the script in some newer versions. Chicago police department Cpd as short name will have some of newer cars like ford Taurus and Ford Exploreer with new police shemes .But the mod will feature some older car like Crown Victoria 1994 edition and new crown victoria with old freedom lightbarr Chicago Ambulances Are part of cfd mod will have all types of ambulances which chicago fire department use. Also will have mass casualties units (buses) from O hare airport Chicago fire department Will have reale units from city and from o hare airport and will have units from tv showChicago fire Here are some prewiew of units that are made to this date Note we need help from a lighter and pro moddeler For today only police prewiewe Original policeman skin is from Pottyscotty
    1 point
  8. It's not getting released. Sorry man.
    -1 points
  9. Looks amazing. And I like that the engineers van and tow truck are being updated. Now if the coroner's van gets updated. We will not have any more of those models that a ton of the community are probably sick of seeing. Seriously modders. When you make a mod. Can you please add in a custom tow truck, engineers van, and coroner's van? We are getting tired of seeing the same ones in a good chunk of mods. Now will the crane be updated? I would like to see that.
    -1 points
  10. Hola, que tal va el desarrollo del mod?? Estoy muy interesado y viendo las imagenes que has publicado estoy seguro de que este mod puede llegar a ser de los mejores, además que por desgracia la comunidad modder española está muerta... se sabe fecha estimada???
    -1 points
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