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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/2024 in Posts

  1. Itch and his teams got both Montana and Project Nostalgia to full releases, and are now working on additional versions to add more content such as civil cars and helicopters for Nostalgia. Personally I can live with the minor bugs that exist like the vehicles in Project Nostalgia disappearing in campaign missions when you use a water cannon, when the fix will eventually come with even more content. As for this project, CanadianFrog is working on Edgewater, Hill Street Blues, and NYStalgia at the same time. They'll get released when they get released and this is a community that can wait. Hell it took almost ten years to release the full version of Miami didn't it, nobody complained when it came out a fully polished product with an original map, functioning surfboards, etc.
    2 points
  2. Ever since playing GTA3, I always interested in this kind of helicopter. I didn't think I'd be able to make one but it did get done. More variations to come in the future. This asset will also see action in LA.
    1 point
  3. Sounds like another project that will see half ass completion by the team. Montana 2.5, Nostalgia, and this or that project gets released as a beta or full release when even basic functions don't properly function and a year or so later we don't even have a patch to fix the smallest of bugs. There is great talent in this community to date, but to many half @$$ projects these days.
    -3 points
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