Version 2.6.1
The Description is not up to date, because there is barely any interested person. However here is the fully translated Version 2.6.1 (not anymore compatible with the NL mod)
Killerconsti's Minimod 2.6.1
Features of Version 2.2
english translation
manual connecting and disconnecting of hoses
CrownVic has been hidden in Berlin
RV and Tanker have a 4 man crew
events can be aborted if the HQ is selected
Features of Version 2.0 & 2.1
US equipment made by William Stableford (flares, road barrels, pylonen)
the possibility to land the SEK Helicopter without roping the crew first
dynamic parking sites can be set ingame
"Set Startup Parameter - Component" was added, which allow me to put the player's units allready at the map
introduction of the placeable equipment
better support of open houses- systems (like the one used at the police department at Berlin)
an animateded brand new Swat unit (only available in the editor)
a System was introduced which allow me to use Siren Sounds (still WIP)
2 new vehicles
Layer speedy scaff
[infobox]The Minimod container is a .rar package. It is important to unpack it first. You may have a look at the Installation Instructions to set up this mod in the correct way. The second sheet (flyer) is about the stuff which was added (commands, vehicles, objects)[/infobox]
Version 1.0 -1.2:
mobile intensive care unit is available in Freeplay
patrol cars can redirect traffic and follow gangsters
additional engineer in the tech helicoper
additional emergency doctor in the ambulance car
you can turn units by holding right mouse button and relase it after >0,5 s ->Units will face the cursor
Tankers got more equipment and have hose connectors (by Revyn112
policeman can automaticly equip handcuffs when they hold no equipment
A big thank you to all supporters:
William_Stableford (Lighting of the SW4, US - equipment models, translation, crownvic model)
3d Models:
Tecprofi (hydraulic platform)
Goya (cabin)
skaihof (wheels)
Crew vehicle VW T5 for the Firefighters
Thyssen TM170 Sonderwagen 4:
Slilent Hunter
DLK Essen
voice actor (german):
Other helpers:
Dartlak & Grisu83 (great plugin, a lot of my work made use of it)
Revyn112 (Improvement mod for the tanker)
HST_Tutorials (improved the Street Navigation at the Police Department
Michaelp800 (supplied siren sounds for the emergency vehicles)