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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/2022 in Posts

  1. The Why VFD in Pima County AZ isn't much of a fire department but they had in 2020 and likely still have in reserve a 1960s pumper pretty similar to the one pictured. The Baker NV VFD also has some pretty darn ancient trucks that work well for the less than one call a year they get. (Baker VFD pictured) I think for mod purposes it would make sense to have that be a mutual aid unit. Both the Why VFD and another department I knew in rural MO were departments in name only and most of the serious stuff in their districts was dealt with by a "mutual aid" department that was essentially the primary department in the closest real town. They'd likely send that ancient pumper out on an "all hands" kind of call. In a lot of rural areas the next mutual aid department could be an hour away (plus spin up time) so an old truck kept around back could still see service once in a blue moon.
    2 points
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