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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/17/2021 in all areas

  1. I'm proud to announce the start of work on the Chicago Fire Mod! Modification based on the TV series "Chicago Fire"! All units of the series, plus some units of the Chicago Fire Department will be present in the mod! Link from Squad 3 http://forum.emergency-planet.com/files/file/539-1989-spartan-gladiatorsaulsbury/
    1 point
  2. I believe this shows another unmarked early 90s LAPD Crown Vic, antenna setup and light setup matches as they didn't add the additional square blue flasher until the 94' Caprice iirc. (full pic in the spoiler) antenna and light setup of a 80s Caprice for comparison, note the long and short antenna that also seem to be present on the Vic: There is also this from a OJ Simpson documentary, a plain one without lights also appears a few seconds later in the video, featuring the antenna setup from above Video with timestamp:
    1 point
  3. For example, this white CHP Mustang of 1992: Or this album, I see pics of a Station Wagon: I am finding photos of big police rigs, let me know How can I send you them, e-mail, discord, PM, etc.
    1 point
  4. After another round of research, I've found some interesting things. FIrst off, I found real retro LAFD Swift Water Rescue. The 1 year, 7 months long hunt is over. As a result of this, the current SWR will be reassigned back into a plug buggy, and be used as an equipment trailer hauler. The plan now is to implement a boat trailer script into the mod and use the ambulance as the main SWR vehicle starting now. There's more though. I've managed to find a 1992+ LAPD Ford Bronco. I'll definitely start work on this ASAP. Prior to this, the belief was that LAPD only ran Blazers and Ramchargers. Third, I came across some vehicles that I am uncertain about. Could be LAPD but this was taken during the riots and shows some other agencies like RTD police. LAPD might have used 1992 Crown Victorias as unmarked cars, but not as patrol units. However it could just as well belong to RTD police who operate the white Ford Taurus in the last photo.
    1 point
  5. Version 0.6


    The United States Army Mod is a modification for Emergency 4 and based on the presence of the US military in a Middle-Eastern region. The mod features an entirely new map, several army and local (middle-eastern) emergency units, new events, unique units, a development tree and much much more. You can expect a total overhaul of the original game and fun and addictive gameplay! Important installation/play notes: 1. Remove any older US Army Mod installations (such as versions 0.4b and 0.5) 2. Download and extract the .zip package 3. Install the .e4mod file 4. Launch the game and load the US Army mod 5. Use the mission-menu and select 'Play United States Army Mod' to launch a new game The US Army mod is not freeplay nor multiplayer compatible! Don't forget to check out the US Army Mod Subforum for the latest news and discussions about this modification.
    1 point
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