I refuse to set one up becuase of all the issues with Em4 and monetization.
Say, my LAPD patrol car has a model made by me, decals made by Phantom and a lightbar from EmC Unit, we'd have to split and how would that come about? What if a mod on Patreon has multiple contributors?
Also, if I release Patreon content that's just an edited 16T asset, that may violate the game's EULA/TOS for monetization and revese engineering, thus opening me up to lawsuit.
Patreon, paid mods and the things involving them are one big can of worms that should never be opened. For now I'll try to find other income sources but Em4 definitely isn't it.
And if anybody does try to put mods on Patreon, let all of us know, so that they'll be forced to cut a check to every single person who made work for it.