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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/2021 in all areas

  1. I have been working on a project for a few months now off and on. I have decided to rework and fix some issues for the Boston Mod by FINN. I do plan on a release, assuming I am able to receive permissions from the proper folks. All original credits can be found in "EM4 Boston SubMod read me credits". Work done by Mentor1159/TTBL225: Edited and Fixed fire station scripts Added Police and EMS station Scripts Map Fixes Other general script fixes Added LWS Massive Reorganization of File Structure (About 20 hours of work) Massive reduction in file size due to the removal of unneeded and duplicate files Screens: Original Credits:
    2 points
  2. Version 2.2


    New version of the mod with a bunch of fixes. Don't worry, future fixes will be released only as patches, but as of now - you need to redownload the mod once againe. Please share link directly here. Thank you! A Miami modification for Emergency 4 game featuring: - About 100 new playable units. - We have replaced all units types with new moddel (and even more). - New custom freeplay map. - New map (in freeplay and deluxefreeplay version) with a beach, large police dept, 2 firestations, hospital and Lifeguard tower. - Complete optimization. - Unlike other mods, anything that is not used - gets deleted, unnesasry prts of the moddels with high count of polygons - reworked. - Highest amount of aircraft compared to other mods. - Thats been said, we have new helicopters and airplanes. - Compelte UI. - Complete UI on commands and units and equipment. - New scripts and sirens. - We have all the nessesary scripts for your fun: parking script, limited water supply script, single strecher, traffic debug, and much more. - Top of the line bluelights. - Best bluelights that can be found (but they are optimized from what you saw on the videos). Please check readmefile for instructions on how to properly install the mod! Before attending any edit or modding out from here, check the readme file for Terms of ussage! Reuploading of the files are forbiden!
    1 point
  3. Hi everyone! I am a EM4 Lover from China, you can call me Syameimaruko or Aya. I am now starting a new small mod based on piecki mod. I have been playing EM4 since 2018, and played about 50 mods. Range from LA mod to Bieberfelde mod, but I have never played a Japan mod. So I decide to make one. Because of the language gap and network speed(mainly), I will be absent from time to time. And I will post some progress on the website in China such as Bilibili or Baidu Tieba. Here are the first screenshots: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are some concepts of this mod, I will be happy if you like it. If you have any ideas or request, I will be happy to listen and accept them.
    1 point
  4. Maybe try having a firefighter drag them off the road? Firefighters can pick up debris and objects in missions, should work in freeplay.
    1 point
  5. I'm probably gonna get in trouble for asking this question, but I am just curious is this mod currently on hold, or are you guys still doing some changes and upgrades to it? Haven't heard from you guys in a while. I'm guessing you guys are busy with your own personal lives. ....Not asking for a release date. Just the progress thats taking place. Hope you Goog and CFD are doing well.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. ABS (Auto search and rescue) ABS(Auto busca e salvamento)
    1 point
  8. NewVehicle(civil defense) Used in natural disasters! SAMU (service for mobile emergency)
    1 point
  9. Is the mod still alive ???? I REALLY WANT IT
    -1 points
  10. Hi there, I was wondering what do I need to do in order to have access to the riverfalls mod. I know its a private mod, but I just don't know who/where to contact in order to have access to it, and if they are any prerequisite. Thanks for the help !
    -1 points
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