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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/2021 in Posts

  1. This was my initial concept but it proved too difficult because of how the volunteer firefighter system was made. Instead I just left it to the player to decide how to dispatch the units. I have tweaked the volunteer script so you get between two to four personnel in the day time, and at most, six at night. The player has the responsibility to dispatch the appropriate number of units per call. Here's some updates to playable units. Colors have been done, and I am readying up the resources for liveries.
    5 points
  2. Nah its a 1967 Plymouth Satellite
    2 points
  3. I think a lot of you have been wanting this in Em4 for a while. Here she is, as a POV based on 2 suggestions I received. This will be coming out first as a dev asset, ASAP. I look forward to all the police departments in all the Em4 mods that will have this bad boy, finally. Special thanks to Yankee43 for providing his original edits to the model. All I did was finish what he left off.
    2 points
  4. Hi all, This is a topic to created to show work I've done on my private modification over the past few years. It is set in a large uk city. (Think larger than Manchester smaller than London). It draws upon several modifications including Welfordshire, London, Kent and many others drawing them together into what I'd consider to be a definitive Uk Metropolitan City. With this in mind I have no plans ever to seek out permission to release as there are simply too many diffrent mods thrown together. In an attempt to strive for realism I have reworked most if not all fire objects in the game in attempts to create realistic fire spread, This includes reworking smoke plumes etc. I have also as a matter of personal preference made the buildings not have collision for personnel, this means you can deploy firefighters "inside" of structures to carry out firefighting. Any questions, comments or suggestions are more than welcome Attached are some images, primarily of the city to give you an idea of the "feel" i'm going for, if there is sufficent intrest I will upload full fleet photos etc. cheers https://ibb.co/NmN3NcP https://ibb.co/CmZ218Z https://ibb.co/RYqzM8B https://ibb.co/SKHkXtq https://ibb.co/thwXDLV https://ibb.co/8NsF6Z8 https://ibb.co/872jvRt https://ibb.co/Z2m5qb8 https://ibb.co/ZJhYZkK https://ibb.co/rd9wgVv https://ibb.co/7rVwYm1 https://ibb.co/RcxkWk6
    1 point
  5. Gotta say itchboy that the sudden increase in updates and (apparent) progress from this mod is the best thing to come out of 2020/2021. For so long I thought I'd never see this mod come out and when my PC crashed and I lost my OG file of the Montana Mod (even though it crashed a lot) I was very bummer. Thanks for keeping at it and bringing back hope.
    1 point
  6. Thanks for the positive feedback! As you can see police/Ambulance fleet aren't particularly well developed and are mostly just slight edits from the aforementioned mods, there is a wider fleet including agencies like btp/HART etc but their edits are so subtle that its not worth showing. https://ibb.co/kqnd7fK https://ibb.co/x6j9jHn https://ibb.co/gv0nj0Z Also see it in use here at a building fire north of the city https://ibb.co/JHLP8cC https://ibb.co/8Xdkx0h
    1 point
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