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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/03/2021 in Posts

  1. Here is the inital set of volunteer firefighter POV's for the mod. These are all real-life vehicles owned by members of our community. No lights on these, still working on that. If you would like your real-life vehicle featured in the mod, feel free to post your vehicle make, model, color and any light setup you are running. You don't need to tell me your location or license plate or anything that can dox you. I lack another 4 out of the 10 I need. Credits to Carman and LA mod team for the Jeep Grand Chrokee. Yankee43 for the Ford Ranger. EA Games for the Dodge Ram conversion. Special thanks to SlateDragon for allowing use of the white F150 POV from West Falls mod.
    6 points
  2. I implemented engine to engine connections to get around this problem, but I plan on taking it a step further and implementing a script for a 4 way hydrant splitter (better known as Hydrassist) that allows hydrants to be used by up to 3 vehicles. That's something for the future though. Maybe it will be developed for Montana, maybe for this mod. I'll have to experiment first.
    1 point
  3. Looking back on a year ago, I will admit to over-reacting by prematurely saying that I'd quit modding. It was an emotional response that I should have handled better. It would have been far more rational if I released a statement saying that I'd be taking a break from modding to clear my head. That's what I ultimately ended up doing anyway, and clearing my head indeed produced good results. In keeping with that spirit, I've finally finished putting lights on the fire and EMS units, with help from hqueen. Yay attachments and smileys work again The Chevy battalion chief is lighted, its just that the picture was taken on a bad "frame" where the lights happen to be flashing off.
    1 point
  4. That's already implemented. I just need to make the correct icons for the commands, and to improve the script so that certain things don't get glitched. Slowly but surely getting things textured. Ill be asking help from the usual guys and a few new ones to help finish the skins now that lights is 70% complete.
    1 point
  5. This is the first model I've messed with in a while. Finally happy with it now that it has leg animations.
    1 point
  6. I have some updates on this mod, finally. Previously I had plans on including more models but I'm burnt out on them after working on Project Nostalgia.
    1 point
  7. Carnide is a town located in the north of Lisbon, Portugal. Since there are no volunteer fire department in Carnide, i decided to create a fictional mod of Carnide, wich will have a volunteer fire department, ems and police: Bombeiros Voluntários de Carnide, Instituto Nacional de Emergência Médica (INEM) and Polícia de Segurança Pública (PSP), respectively. Hope you like it! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carnide é uma freguesia localizada no norte de Lisboa, Portugal. Uma vez que Carnide não tem nenhum quartel de bombeiros voluntários, decidi criar este mod fictício, que vai ter um quartel de bombeiros, emergência médica e polícia: Bombeiros Voluntários de Carnide, Instituto Nacional de Emergência Médica (INEM) e Polícia de Segurança Pública (PSP), respetivamente. Espero que gostem! In Game Units: Bombeiros Voluntários de Carnide (Volunteer Fire Department): 1101 ABCI 01 1101 ABSC 02 1101 ABSC 03 1101 ABSC 04 1101 ABSC 05 1101 ABSC 06 1101 ABSC 07 1101 ABSC 08 1101 ABSC 09 PEM 1101 VCOT 01 1101 VCOT 02 1101 VE30 01 1101 VUCI 01 1101 VUCI 04 1101 VSAE 01 1101 VOPE 01 1101 VOPE 02 1101 VFCI 03 1101 VTTU 01 1101 VETA 01 INEM (EMS): AEM 1 AEM 2 SIV VMER 1 VMER 2 VMER 3 MEM CVP (Red Cross): 1-60/B 1-65/B PSP (Police): CP 1 CP 2 TRANSITO UEP CI CELULAR
    1 point
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