Here's a bit of interesting video for any of you into SWAT, police tactics, or just into guns, combat or tactical stuff. I don't speak Korean but this was a pretty random thing to find that wasn't in English.
Some of you CVPI fans might cringe at the fact the car was used for target practice, and the officers put it in park numerous times without actually stopping.
In the meantime, I am working on the lights for PD. Directionals, floodlights and a few other things. The mod will feature my flood light overwrite script, which is taking up the most time because I have to constantly hex-edit the prototypes of every police vehicle. This process is required for light overwride scripts, and in theory, it allows us to have park-kill white, front cutoff, multipurpose LED modules, and even alternating light patterns without needing to use up the TLT light slots. It opens up the option for multiple traffic advisor patterns too.