Alright guys, after some more modeling, I've managed to get some new vehicles into the mod and I'm here to show them to you today as a progress update for you,
currently the vehicle fleets stand at the following:
and that's the current state of the vehicles in the mod, now onto the vehicles:
First up from the Justice Department, we have (drumroll please), The H-Wagon aka The Hover Wagon: the H-Wagon, in it's normal duties it is mostly found transporting critically injured persons or justice department personnel around the city. for the purposes of this mod it will act solely as a air support unit to personnel on the ground.
Next up, also from the Justice Department we have the Manta prowl tank, probably one of the biggest vehicles in the mod so far:
Next up from the fire division, we have the biohazard decon response squad, which goes out for any hazardous spills, etc:
Next up, also from the fire division, we have the heavy rescue vehicle, which is gonna be your traffic accident with injuries/MVA response vehicle:
Next up from the Resyk and Tek Squads we have first the resyk truck which is gonna be your coroner in-game:
Second up, the tek recovery vehicle, which is gonna be just one of several tow trucks that you are gonna be playing with in the mod itself:
all right, that's all the updates regarding the mod, stay safe and merry christmas & a happy new year to all you holiday people, I'll post again when I have more to show, maybe some civilian vehicles or maybe if I can swing it, a showing of the map, who knows what can happen.