While it is true that LAPD or LASD does not have a water cannon unit, IThey do have more than enough to make up for it with their bearcats, since one of their bearcats is equipped with a modular ladder unit that allows them to assault a building high up through a window. Goog, I would personally say just replace it with like another bearcat that has the system I just mentioned, because whenever they have been deploying for riots, especially as of late for what has been going on down here in the city, I've been seeing them deploying D-Platoon with a bearcat behind them, with an officer sitting in the top turret of the bearcat.
I've also noticed that LAPD has been deploying a strike team of like 12+ officers on a couple of unmarked suburbans and they have been riding around town and responding to stuff quickly. LA County is not messing around with this curfew, I'll tell you that much right now.
But anyways, yeah, that's my personal opinion as a resident of the city of LA.