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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/22/2020 in Posts

  1. Hello everyone, some of you will recognize some of my works in the other forums. So I bring it on the international level here in this forum. Today I present you the Morning Pride Ben 2 helmet: Credits : Monatana (Test Mod), mibblitz (SCBA), Hoppah(Persons) In the download section you can get this helmet with the firefighters. I do some more projects in the future and hope you enjoy it. So stay tuned folks. Tim
    1 point
  2. Yes ,will make engineers a sprinter or transit or truck with a box.The tow truck I'll update the skin and give it a newer cab. I won't be doing the army or coast guard and big FBI truck though.
    1 point
  3. Look awesome guys!!!! Keep up the great work!!! I do have a question tho, and that is will there be an updated engineer's vehicle and will the tow trucks be updated?
    1 point
  4. Be shure not to bother making it with a lot of polygons. I have remodeled my pushbars from downloadable about 1300 polygons to mine like 2 cylinders + 2 boxes - 200 polygons. Nobody will notice the difference - but the game will lag less. You should also add some antenas to the moddels, belive me, they make difference!
    1 point
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