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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/29/2020 in Posts

  1. Yes I talked to CFD about it and I think we'll add the LASD cvpi with argent.The LAPD slicktop was the model from the RCMP mod project so I think I had it in the folder since the beginning and wasn't aware of it till you mentioned it.I went through most of the LAPD and double checked to make sure they are correct.. Before we release we will go through everything and try to be realistic and correct (models,light patterns and sirens) as possible to real world department units...there will also be a few that we will take liberties on with extra toys and light patterns.
    2 points
  2. First point yes I'll remove the text.Second,they do have both units with those lightbars,one is a 2 door the other is the newer 4 door version.Third I based the LASD cvpi on this exact unit.I'm making a older Tahoe with the argent lightbar.
    1 point
  3. Great job! I would like to make a few suggestions for a fix on the Bearcat and the LAPD slicktop Crown Vic though. The LAPD bearcat doesn't have any text on the rooftop so it would be more accurate if you removed that from the 1st Bearcat. As for the second Bearcat, I am pretty sure the LAPD doesn't have a Bearcat with that lightbar so you could keep it and make it an LASD Bearcat in the future cause it fits the characteristics of one, except for the lightbar. Now as far as I am aware, the LAPD slicktop cruiser doesn't have a pushbar, however, you have made the model look accurate to the actual LAPD slicktop CVPI if you exclude the pushbar. Question: Why does the LASD CVPI not have a lightbar? Or is there a model with a lightbar but it has not been added yet?
    1 point
  4. I got almost all of the new units into the game files.Still a few to place,I was able to get all the units in the topic that was voted on so everything is included. I'll send this over to CFD in the next few days and he will light them .
    1 point
  5. Modding isn't the easiest thing to do and it takes time. We should be supporting creators not chastising them for not posting on here. Just because they don't post dosen't mean that they're not working on the mod.
    1 point
  6. Considering this is your first comment in 3 months, you'll have to understand my doubt. You dropped off the project a while ago. Now itchboy has dropped off and you're back suddenly.
    -1 points
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