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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/2020 in Posts

  1. Hello and Welcome to a NEW modification that has new and old features, I have used some imagination and creativity to make this part of the city as life like and interactive as possible. Please join me in playing the VERY first West Coast of Canada modification, based on Vancouver Island the province capital. This Modification originally started out by reskinning and working off of the rockport modification V1.0, but after spending time on it, it has now turned into its own independent modification, I hope that you will be pleased with what I can done, I have attached a CREDIT/README file inside this modification and would like you to please read it before playing, without the people listed in it, this modification would not be where it is it today. If anyone was missed or feels they put in some effort please don't be shy and PM me, your name will be added to the list! I will close by saying, I am not trying to Rip off the The Red Watch Aka RCMP MOD, (or any other modification for that matter and its creators), I am Canadian I live on Vancouver Island and go to Vancouver all the time, This modification has no relationship to the work that the fine group has put together over the years, we are merely working on the sameish parts of the country and using some of the same organizations used around British Columbia. New features in 2.0: -New Amublance Station in the North -New Tandam Rescue in Hall 2 -Brush Truck and Hazmat Truck Added to main Fire Station -New Lighting on existing units IE Tahoe's,ambulances,supervisors,fire units. -New Fire Trucks Seagrave mixed with a Gladiator ( Manhattan mod meets Montana ) -New MVI's - Existing bugs fixed.. CTD from the music concert/gate issues/path finding for main ambulance station. DOWNLOAD LINKS: V2.0 4SHARED: http://www.4shared.com/rar/3zr039Hqba/West_Coast_Canadian_Modificati.html MEGA: Download Link https://mega.co.nz/#!hsURyQQY!xe7YJUih-FjlQiN8c5Aasbgzw1XlWs0HElsc5Y6VXgY CORONAS and Misc Audio PATCH 1.1: ( Copy and Past into Data/Textures/Coronas and for Misc Data/Audio/FX/Misc) http://www.4shared.com/rar/9leK8Xhvce/WCCM_Patch11.html https://mega.co.nz/#!V5FXHZaT!0gSzTS_0lCc2K4W2qD_vC5prx-DtKIhrS_myfJEAtc8 PLEASE REPORT ANY BUGS HERE OR PM ME
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