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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/04/2019 in Posts

  1. 2015 Tahoe to be released on December 25th (Will be an unmarked version, not this NYSP skin specifically as it is for the mod)
    3 points
  2. Hey all! Been playing Em4 for quite some time now. Dipped my toes into modding a few years back but nothing serious. Finally decided to get back into it since I've started playing again. This mod will be based in Santa Cruz, CA. I work full time and will be going back to school soon and there's really not a lot of info on local units so this will be pretty slow-going. By the time I'm done with the models and map I'm hoping there'll be some cool scripts out to really boost gameplay and my idea of what Em4 should really be like. Freeplay will mostly revolve around fire/EMS and beach/water rescue. Fire Station 1: Engine 3111, Engine 3134 (brush), Tower 3170, Utility 3160, Battalion 3103 Fire Station 2: Engine 3112, Engine 3110 Fire Station 3: Engine 3113, Engine 3115 (ladder), Engine 3116 EMS: AMR Santa Cruz Police: Santa Cruz PD, CHP, Coast Guard Mutual aid from Santa Cruz Sheriff and CalFire. I've pretty much completed the cab of Engine 3111 which will be slightly altered for many of the other engines as well as Tower 3170. I'll probably convert it sometime this week to make sure everything is playing nicely... Been a while since I've done Em4 stuff, how in-depth can I get with the details? http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/monthly_2019_12/Pierce.thumb.png.786447d71e8a2dc45a6078e92292e838.png http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/monthly_2019_12/348517880_PierceSide.thumb.png.624c9a5f2fa5a9f8d0c28bce7b7c057c.png
    1 point
  3. I agree with Itchboy,you deserve a ton of credit,great job so far and can't wait to see it with a skin on it!
    1 point
  4. Here is the first ingame screenshot vehicles by Itchboy,RD_Saarland, and BMA
    1 point
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