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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/11/2019 in Posts

  1. Progress on the Montana DNRC rigs. Ford F550 cab by Ubisoft, updated to 2014 by me, converted to Em4 by me. Dodge Ram cab by Ubisoft, converted to Em4 by me. Rear brush skid unit made by me. The models lack the pipes for the water, which I will finish in another day once I figure out what pipe goes where and what connections do what.
    2 points
  2. Love the look of the new units, the dodge chief looks pretty bang on to the images I've seen of them out there. Looking forward to the new fast response unit. Can't wait till this comes out.
    1 point
  3. I'll check out the small station and see how it;s staffed for units and we can go from there,if not it will be the 2 units for sure. that'd be cool probably,but will be near the end. Here's the Battalion chiefs car...
    1 point
  4. Hello,our plan for the small station is to make it a LA county fire hall staffed with these 2 units...the engine still needs a bit of work on the back to be complete.
    1 point
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