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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/06/2019 in Posts

  1. I'll update the OP because this is what seems to be a commonly asked question. - Finish all playable vehicle models - Add in more incident variations like HAZMAT car accidents - Technical rescue calls, specifically an underground entrapment. - A big hurdle: Finish the advanced heal script. If so desired, this can be scaled back for a later release. - Add lights to all units - At a later date, replace the MHP and EMS helicopters - At a later date, implement an alternate snow version of the map
    2 points
  2. Hello EMP, Today I will be discussing a mod idea which I am looking for the communities Opinion for. I am doing a Retro mod which is going to be Suburban like but with rural parts. It will be based of the 80's/90's. Only Photo rn. Credits to Itchboy (Caprice) and EMC unit (Aerodynic)
    1 point
  3. U P D A T E (Real Life Units vs Replicas Game Units) How close police units in game looks like too real life units & Final decision when comes to police units setup before realise This is the final setup & you can see changes (See Pic) We know information what lighting we will see in Swedish Mod Rotatory Lights / Strobes Lights / Halogen Lights / Led Lights Notice ! ---- (Swedish Mod is set betwen 2005-2012 All units is come from this years) --- Notice! 5 Units is Comfrimed Another news - it was to much police units and they do nothing special and will be removed As you can see - final changes coming and begin New Video is Out (Check this Out) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FU9GhoosgU #Regards TheVolume #Enjoy
    1 point
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