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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/2019 in Posts

  1. U P D A T E !Thank you for the compliments " comments and likes and hearts" strengthens me for further work! Time for updates What will your favorite police car be " (Volvo XC70 Cross Country) or (VW Passat Alltrack) PIC " straight from the Police Station
    1 point
  2. Hellow everyone,my first post here =) so,yesterday we were looking in the xml file of emergency 4 how to modifiy the number of the event demonstration.but suddently(^^), we spot some suspiciouse lines in the text,yes its about zombies! if someones have any information there are welcome! PS: this line is located here : C:\Program Files\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4\Mods\Los Angeles Mod v1.8\Specs\freeplayparameters.xml PS2 : im sorry for my bad english but im french - <EFPZombie> - <!-- Zombies --> <Enabled value="0" /> <AverageFrequency value="1.0" /> <Worth value="5.0" /> <SupervisorStart value="ID_SUPERV_EVENT_D12" /> <SupervisorFinish value="" /> - <!-- IgnoreDate: Nur an Halloween/Immer --> <IgnoreDate value="0" /> </EFPZombie> - <EFPZombie> - <!-- Silvester --> <Enabled value="0" /> <AverageFrequency value="1.0" /> <Worth value="5.0" /> <SupervisorStart value="ID_SUPERV_EVENT_D13" /> <SupervisorFinish value="" /> - <!-- Duration: Dauer des Feuerwerks --> <Duration value="180.0" /> - <!-- IgnoreDate: Nur an Silvester/Immer --> <IgnoreDate value="0" /> </EFPZombie> </events> - <cleanup> <wait min="300.0" max="600.0" /> <choppedtree safetyradius_nopeople="8.0" safetyradius_nofire="50.0" /> <killedperson safetyradius="20.0" /> <deleteobject safetyradius="20.0" /> <deletewreck safetyradius="20.0" /> <unburnobject safetyradius="100.0" /> <restoreposition safetyradius_source="10.0" safetyradius_destination="10.0" /> <sliceablecar waitmultiplier="5" /> </cleanup> - <timezones> - <!-- night (normal)
    1 point
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