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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/17/2019 in all areas

  1. U P D A T E At the beginning thank you for supporting me, thanks to you together we will release the mod (Extra Content for Swedish Mod) Do you like classics? I do In this update, we'll get classic units Video is not ready yet I am talking about the mentioned (Official Swedish Mod Gameplay) we still have to wait Current photos for confirmation! #Regards #TheVolume Classic Volvo 850 Turbo recharged Doctor (Bonus) and Police (Standard) version Credits go to (David) & (TheVolume) me
    1 point
  2. Version 1.01


    This is a modification for Emergency 4/911: FR which includes a representation of thecity of New York and all subsequent apparatus and personnel. The modification is designed towork within the original framework of the game while adding new functions and features tomake the game more realistic while preserving the strategy aspect of the original game play.This mod features about 50 new vehicles all of which have some special purpose in mindrequiring you to take the time to think about what it is you’ll need to send to address thesituation at hand. Currently there is a functional but unsupported Multi?player mode, we donot support this feature at this time as we’ve not tested this extensively enough to guaranteethat it is bug-free It does support MP function though. Free-play however, is supported and any bugs pertaining to the free playmode of the game will be looked into for subsequent patches necessary if the bug is a majorissue.MikeyPI: Team leader and 3D modeler for this mod.Hoppah: Team scripter, vehicle coding and bug fixer. (Also the author of the original DodgeCharger modified for this mod’s Dodge Charger)NewFoundKing: Vehicle lighting and map modification.Francis: Some scripting and general assistance.
    1 point
  3. 83,440 downloads

    The third alpha release of the Netherlands Mod for Emergency 4!- Includes new vehicles- Includes new scripts- Includes new persons- Includes new soundsPlease note that this is an Alpha version, bugs are to be expected!Special thanks to:HoppahMartijntjuhBas-tiChideaDavidSquidSimComNetLittleAngelA-RescueMainzibärAnd all those I forgot to mention!
    1 point
  4. Version 1.3


    Dowload the Barcelona Mod know at Emergency Planet. THis mod includes untis of the Barcelona city emergency services , Catalonian emergency services and police units of the Spain government. Units at the mod Barcelona fire department Guardia Urbana Barcelona (Local Police) Mossos d´esquadra (State POlice) SEM (Catalonian Medical Services) National Police (Spanish Govermen Police) Civil Guard ( Spanish Goverment Police)
    -1 points
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