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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/2019 in Posts

  1. That looks like an error on the part of the mod itself, and not anything you did.
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. i just did a search in freeplay parametres and freeplay endless fies, and couldn't find anything, if you want less events, you could also try and edit <AverageFrequency value = "1.0" /> in each event paragraph, and make the "1.0" lower, because it makes the average number of that type of event lower for every 10 minutes that you play the game. and if you want more events, make it higher. if you still have no luck, i can send you an attatchment of my specs folder, but you'd need to tell me what events you want to play with, and the ones you dont want, and what event you want to play most etc. cheers, Tom.
    1 point
  4. i think to answer question one, go into Specs/fp_freeplay_endless and change the "<MinDurationBetweenEvents value = "60.0" />" to a high value, to make mine more realistic so i can return everything to HQ without there being another event, i changed mine too "<MinDurationBetweenEvents value = "160.0" />", as for question 2, go into specs/fp_freeplay_endless once again, and find the following paragraph, which is under the <events> line, and it should look like this <!-- JH --> <EFPEventFlashStrike> <Enabled value = "1" /> <!-- AverageFrequency: average number of events per 10 minutes (gets multiplied by timezone parameter "flash/frequenceyfactor") --> <AverageFrequency value = "90.0" /> <!-- DamageRadius: in meter --> <DamageRadius value = "25.0" /> <Worth value = "10.0" /> <SearchDamageRounds value = "100" /> <SupervisorStart value = "ID_SUPERV_EVENT36" /> <SupervisorFinish value = "" /> </EFPEventFlashStrike> but if it doesnt, the thing you will probably need to cahnge is the <enabled value ="0" /> to <Enabled value = "1" /> hope this helps, Tom. just read over what you wanted for question 1, as you didnt specify, if you want more events, then lower the value and that should work.
    1 point
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