i think to answer question one, go into Specs/fp_freeplay_endless and change the "<MinDurationBetweenEvents value = "60.0" />" to a high value, to make mine more realistic so i can return everything to HQ without there being another event, i changed mine too "<MinDurationBetweenEvents value = "160.0" />", as for question 2, go into specs/fp_freeplay_endless once again, and find the following paragraph, which is under the <events> line, and it should look like this <!-- JH --> <EFPEventFlashStrike> <Enabled value = "1" /> <!-- AverageFrequency: average number of events per 10 minutes (gets multiplied by timezone parameter "flash/frequenceyfactor") --> <AverageFrequency value = "90.0" /> <!-- DamageRadius: in meter --> <DamageRadius value = "25.0" /> <Worth value = "10.0" /> <SearchDamageRounds value = "100" /> <SupervisorStart value = "ID_SUPERV_EVENT36" /> <SupervisorFinish value = "" /> </EFPEventFlashStrike> but if it doesnt, the thing you will probably need to cahnge is the <enabled value ="0" /> to <Enabled value = "1" /> hope this helps, Tom. just read over what you wanted for question 1, as you didnt specify, if you want more events, then lower the value and that should work.